Chapter 6: in love with a dead woman!

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-Rose POV-

when i woke up i rememberd everything and sighed! i looked around and found dimitri awake and stairing at me. i smiled and said "what got you all happy?" i already knew the answer but he had to say it.

"you" he smiled then i kissed him. all of a sudden the strigoi alarm went off and i pulled on my cloths that were scaterd at the end of the bed. this vcanot be happening.

as soon as i was outside i went into lissas head to see she was already in the safe room.

i tried to pull back into my head but it wasnt working. i tried to seal what my body was fealling, nothing. whats going on? then i grew week and all i could do was see through lissas eyes! i couldnt talk controle and i couldnt comunicate with her.

finaly a man came back in with a very upset face? what? why?

"the wards are back up but 13 guardians died!" i ghasped no? lissa ghasped.

"who?" she said unsure.

"only one that we really needed to tell you about the rest have been delt with!" he said. i felt lissa tence up.

"Eddie?" he shook his head. "dimitri?" no "jane hathaway?" no "who tell me now!" she said as she colapsed against the wall. she already knew but i was to week to search through her mind.

"Rose hathaway!" NO! NO IM HERE! i yelled in lissas head IM HERE HELP ME! IM HERE! i screamed im fine please. i started sobing with lissa please! then blacked out.

when i woke up i was in a hospital bed. no? lissa was. it all happend! im stuck! IM DEAD!

then i heard a voice in my head! it wasnt lissas, or dimitris or honisty anyone ive ever knew! but i listend "listen rose. you have 6 months to get back to your body. nothing will happen to it before then it wont detiriorate. you will need lissas help! you will need to get strong! you will need to come back! for everyones sake!" then the voice was gone and i heard lissas crys.

"why? why rose? why now?" she cryed. Adrian, dimitri, dad, mum, eddie, christian, mia and victoria (????) were doing the same thing.

"shes with your brother and family now!" christian choaked out! "she will be happy. she will even get to see mason again!


"did you hear that?" lissa asked sitting up

"hear what?" everyone but victoria and dimitri asked. victoria was trying to get her brother to stop crying.

LISSA? i asked

"ROSE? ROSE ITS YOU!" she yelled in joy.

ITS THE BOND! yelled to her. i was in your head when it happend! you have to help me get my body and heal it! i cryed to her

"yes. GET ROSES BODY!" she yelled.

"lissa your in shok its not rose!" lissa then sighed and i blacked out in her head.

-Lissa POV-

"no i heard her!" i yelled "she was in my head when she died shes traped in my head!"

"lissa maybe you should give yourself a few days to get over what happend with rose before you jump to comclusions."

"yeah maybe." i sighed and looked at dimitri. he looked broken. i looked at his aura and saw nothing.

nothing but gold with black crakes. he was in love! in love with a dead woman!

i went to sleep and pulled adrian into the dream with me! the spirit dream!

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