Chapter 15: O.S.V. operation scare victor

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'-Rose POV-

it's been a month since we took out the money from Tony's acout and we've been picking them off one by one. so far we've killed 5. it's not too bad since they all go out in three's or four's!

today were getting ready to kill the mother load! since Tony knows his way around he's going to show me where to go. he sees it as his redemtion which i don't get because he told me he only ever feed off what others left behind.

on our way to the compound in which i was trapped i decided to make small talk.

"Soooo..." i sighed. "You seem a bit young to be an uncle." i told him and he shrugged.

"Well i guess i am, i was turned strigoi at 21 and being strigoi freezes your age." he told me then sighed. "much like being a Khemseri, you can't age so your stuck at what nineteen eighteen?" he asked and i shrugged.

"Yeah somthing like that." i sighed

"I on the other hand am stuck at 21 still." he groned and i just laughed at his reaction.

i dragged the petrol i was holding behind me, it wasn't hard but my arm was really uncomfertable.

"soo the plan?" he asked.

"Operation Scare Victor or OSV is rather easy?" i said slightly unsure.

"Are you sure?" he laughed.

"Yeah as long as all the facts you've givven me are correct we should be able to do this." i told him sevearly hoping they didn't re build the building which is highly unlikely but knowing my luck it would happen.

"I have a photographic memorie so unles they've changed eather the guards scedules or the building we should be fine, and their to lazy to bother with the guards actuly doing rounds." he laughed.

"All we need to do is start a fire, you say victor has the entire fourth floor as his office?" i asked

"No victor has half and tasha has half they can both se front, back and the oposit sides." he smiled

"Good." i said inspecting our mud brown clothing, glad they blended in with the dirt. "we'll need to work fast you know what to spell, make the groves and i'll fill them with petrol, make sure to put the lineing over the top so the petrol doesn't seep through." i said and he nodded. "Once thats done kill any guards outside that you can." i smiled passing him one of the stakes i got when i became head dhampeir.

i gave him the spirit one because thats his main eliment, i thought all spirt users could controle other eliments aswell but i was wrong. i had grabbed the fire one since i was gona use alot of fire power: 1 to keep the fire going without the petrol, 2: to kill strigoi and 3: to light up the building.

"when i get to you run into the trees as i set it alight." i smiled.

"Sounds easy enough, no going inside, killing probably the majority of them" he smiled

"Go." i whispered as soon as we saw the building and he went out back to write the words in the mud by digging it with the shovel he was carrying.

as soon as he finished and went off to kill the guards wondering around the grounds i filled up the groves in the mud that he had made and smiled.

i quickly disapeared into the shadows to do the part that i didn't tell Tony about, get Platinum! i know it sounds like a bad idea but i need it to build up imunity to it so what happened before wont happen again.

i quickly ran into the building hideing myself from the veiw of the strigoi inside.

i found the room made of platinum and got out the piece of fabric from my pocet. i ripped a chunk of the door off and started to run brushing my hands across the surfaces to light them on fire since i acsidently touched it.

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