My name is Campbell!

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He put his hand on her cheek, she put her hand the the side of his cheek. They gazed lovingly into each other's eyes, neither gaze breaking.

Then, as close as possible without lip contact, he said, "You're so beautiful in a boxed maze with dimmed lights." She answered, "Thank you, Harper. We may be twelve, but no one said twelve-year-olds couldn't kiss. At least on the lips. To most people, that's a crime. But obviously there are no adults here."

"I couldn't agree more..."

Then their lips touched, they embraced each other. This went on until they needed oxygen.

"Sweet, sweet oxygen! Holy crap, I needed that..."

"Mmhm, so funny..."

They reattached their lips. This cycle went on for a few minutes until they were interrupted by a little kid's voice.

"What are you doing?"

They broke apart and jumped backwards. Both Harper and Mindy were taken aback by the sudden interruption but recovered quickly and stood up. Harper kneeled down at the kid and said, "Come ti chiami?" Both the kid and Mindy looked as if he wasn't speaking English, which was true. Mindy asked, "Whaaaaa...?"

Harper said he asked his name in Italian. The boy said, in a strong Canadian accent,

"My name is Campbell."

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