One Year of the Labyrinth

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-7 3/4 months later-

It is March 12th, one day before the one-year anniversary of the sending of everybody in the maze. It is dreadful for everybody in the labyrinth, but the octet of Harper Linden, Mindy Engel, Campbell Wheeler, Darren Applewood, Sharon Shillson, Ella Nelson, Landon Gabriel and Jennifer Nelson will make the best of it.

"You know what tomorrow will be, right, mates?"

"Yes, Jen, babe, we all know."

"You had to mention it, Landon. You just had to."

"It wasn't even me, it was Jen."

"Way to toss me under the bus, mate."


"Harper, why'd you blame Landon?"

"Darren, it just came out."

"Darry, this isn't necessary."

"The nine-year-old ain't having it, dudes."

"Campbee, mate. Really. The strong, smart one. And he doesn't like the anniversary of our arrival in here."

"WHY'D YOU SAY IT AGAIN?", they all said in unison.

"Sorry, mates. Can we sleep?"

"I guess."

-One night later-

The clock on Harper's phone struck six. The alarm went off.


Mindy was now unhappily awake.

"Babe, seriously? I set my clock for seven."

"Sorry. Go back to sleep."

Now it's 6:15. Campbell's and Jennifer's clocks go off. They are more careful not to wake their partners.

Now it's 6:30. The clocks of Landon and Ella go off. Their partners are both up and active.

Now it's 6:45. Darren and Sharon wake up simultaneously. They are obviously in perfect harmony.

Now 7 o'clock has come. Mindy is the last one to wake up.


"Morning, Mind.

"I won't say anything more, but today's the day."

"I know, Mind. Let's try to make the best of a bad situation, though."


Then they had a long kiss, maybe 20 seconds.

"Well, that's a good start."

"Yep. Yep it is."

Campbell walked into the kiss and stayed silent until it was over.

"Um, good morning."

"AHHH! I mean...hey, Campbell."

"Yeesh, I always catch you."

"Oh, shut up."

Now everyone was up and talking. But they may as well make the best of today, even if today will be highly dreadful.


Now they go to sleep.

"Good night, Land. Try not to fall through any holes in the floor, heh."

"I thought you forgot about that. Good night anyway, babe."

They kissed and fell into a dreamless slumber embraced with each other.

"Night, Ella. Sweet dreams. Seriously, sweet dreams. Tell me about them in the morning."

"Night, Camp."

They kissed and fell into a boring sleep identical to Landon and Jennifer's."

"See ya tomorrow, Darry. Have fun dreaming about us-"

"Ok, stop there. Good night."

Same goodnight routine as the other four.

"Night, Mind. In three days wr have our anniversary. One year."

"Oh, yeah. I can't wait. Good night, babe."

And they fell again into an identical oblivion of dreamless darkness.

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