A New Place and Weapons

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After about an hour of exploration, the trio came across something else. They rounded a corner, chatting happily amongst themselves, other groups doing the same thing. They walked around that corner and saw a heavy metal door. Harper, the strongest of them all, attempted to make it budge.

"Ok...this is heavy...OW!"

Harper felt something move in his right shoulder and he fell down, losing his grip on the handle.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a tweak in my back. I'll be fine."

"Looks like it'll have to be both of us to open this door."

Harper and Mindy attempted to open the door, but it just wouldn't work.

"Ok, Campbell, can you come over here?"

Mindy called Campbell over, he was talking with some kids his age.

He ran over to the two twelve-year-olds and asked what they needed.

"Buddy, we need your help."

"We need you to help us make this damn door budge open."

"Oh, okay. Let's do it!"

This time it was all three of the kids trying to open the door.

It took a minute, but finally the door pulled a little, with the sound of metal against metal making Mindy cringe.

"Yes! Ok, Mindy, we can do this!"

It budged a little more. Little by little, the door opened, until they had a glimpse of what was inside. They saw a bright room with a grassy floor and wooden walls.  They even caught a sight of some trees.

"Wow. This is amazing."

"Yes, love. It is freakin' amazing."

"I couldn't agree more, lovebirds."

"Wow, Campbell. That's a new low for quality of jokes."

"I don't care. It was a good attempt."

"No, it wasn't."

"Ok, guys, we need to focus on this heavy hell of a door."

"You're right."

- - - one hour later in a weird accent - - -

The door is open, the kids enter. They squint at the bright light. They walk in and see a humongous chest. They open it to find a plethora of weapons.

Rifles, pistols, spears, knives, swords, you name it, it's there.

"Holy crap, there's a damn lotta weapons in here."

"Yep. So many."

They took as many as they could carry and made themselves belts for the weapons out of some branches.

"Ok, everyone got a few weapons?"

"Yes, I do."

"Me too, Harper."

"Ok, then let's go."

And with that they set off to hopefully find more helpful things.

Long chapter... You're welcome. Hope you enjoyed!

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