Chapter 32

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You prep your self for a fight in the rain. You make the first move and begin the fight. Jinora escapes with dexterity. She gives a blast of wind. You were caught off guard and stumbled.

Jinora laughs as you regain balance. "Oh, you wanna play that way?" You attack her with a water whip viciously.

The fight began.

Mako POV

I wake up to the sound of rain hitting the window. Except it wasn't rain. It was blood. I rush over to the window. There on the ground lied (y/n) with smoke coming from her heart.

"(Y/N)!!!!!" I scream. I bolted out of the building. The blood-rain was now real rain. I was drenched in a matter of seconds. I quickly grabbed my team mate and rushed back in. "BOLIN!!!! WE NEED A HEALER!!"

Bolin quickly comes in and takes one look her. "She's gone, Mako."

That phrase repeats in my head. Haunting me. She's gone.

I wake up in cold sweat. I take in deep breaths as I lean over my knees. "Just a dream. It's just a dream." I breathed as I looked out the window to see it down pouring.

I shake my head to rid of the thought of blood. What did my nightmare even mean? I get out of bed, taking the blanket with me. It was chilly through out the rooms.

I go to the kitchen and start to make breakfast. I haven't seen (y/n) in awhile. Hopefully I can soon. The match is tomorrow. Maybe she'll visit then.

Bolin shuffles in with half closed eyes. "Mako, I think the clouds are crying." My younger brother rubs his eyes and plops onto the couch, also surrounded in his blanket.

I think back to my dream. "It's called rain, Bo." I give a shakey laugh. "Where's Pabu?" I start to fry an egg.

"Still asleep in his bed. The lucky guy can have a blanket on at all times with his fur." Bolin chuckles tiredly. I sigh and look at him.

Bolin started to nod off. I make him a quick cup of coffee. "Here. Drink this. We need to focus on the match tomorrow." I roll my shoulders and readjust my blanket.

Bolin looks at the mug with a frown. "I don't want coffee. It's gross." Bolin starts to complain.

I roll my eyes. "Bolin. Just drink or do something to wake up." I ignore Bolin as he continues to whine.

Thunder rumbles across the sky, shaking the building. Pabu rushes out and jumps onto Bolin with a screech.

Bolin screeches back. I roll my neck, trying to relax. I look out the sky and see people walking the streets. I gasp and almost cowered into a fetal position. Almost all of them were wearing red.

Lighting strikes the air, crackling into thin branches. My dream wasn't going away like any normal one. I wish it would go away. Bolin was now silent but his voice from the nightmare rang in my head. She's gone.

A/n: Sorry for being late. I was busy with school :)

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