⭐️Season Five⭐️ | Episode 49: "A Dream Is A Wish"

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A/N: I have SO much to say, first off I want to say sorry for not promising you I'd start another Episode. Second, welcome to the new Season of Season Five and last, I know the title above is a song off of Cinderella from Disney Princesses. But enjoy the Episode, got questions — I'm here to answer them.


Morning hits the sky, Orlina was laying comfortably against Lucas's chest. She felt another kick, she gasped and rubbed it. "It's okay, your father and I are here." She whispered to her newborn babies inside of her.

Their was another kick and Orlina was on her knees in pain. Lucas awoke to see if she was okay. 'Way to wake him up.' Her mind said. "Orlina, are you okay?" He helped her up. "I-I think the baby is ready to come out." She replied, sitting on the bed gently.

He kneeled down to her stomach level and spoke to the newborns. "Don't you guys worry, you'll be delivered tomorrow. And you'll see your mother and I." He says so gently, just like every father should. Orlina smiled, rubbing her stomach gently.

After Lucas was done talking to them, he kneeled up to her level and kissed her. "Want breakfast?" He offered. "Yes, but I'm going to be doing the cooking." She took his hand, knowing he'll go out first. "You're in pain. I don't want you hurt even more, you should rest." Lucas said, his hands on her shoulders to push her down softly.

Orlina sighed, she couldn't win this argument. "Okay, you win." She replies. Lucas smiled and walked out of his room, heading downstairs to the kitchen. When he was on his way there, he saw that everyone else was awake. "Morning, guys." He greeted everyone.

"Morning, Lucas." They all greeted back. "Where's Orlina?" Asked BooBerry. "She's upstairs resting." Was all he said, before getting out the pan. "Resting? Why?" BooBerry needed more details. 'OMG. She acts like she and I 'did it', but we didn't.' His mind said, looking annoyed.

"Eww BooBerry, why you gotta be in their business?" Toxic said in disgust. "We didn't do anything, I just had her sleep with me." Lucas replied, starting the batch of pancakes.

"Last night Clamor thought you two did." Viper HAD to speak. "Hey! I was only thinking, I didn't go in their room and spy on them." Clamor angrily said, Toxic trying to calm him down.

"I didn't say you would do that." Argued Viper. "Guys! Let's not start, Orlina's having her babies on the way. We gotta be happy when they arrive and no more arguing." Razor had a point, they nodded an agreement.

"I'll check on Orlina." Toxic said, going upstairs.

*~With Orlina~*
Orlina was laying in bed, rubbing her stomach. "Knock-knock." She knew who that voice was, but she wanted to play a joke for awhile. "Who's there?" She said. "Toxic." She laughed. "Come in." Orlina laughed too. Toxic let herself in and sat at the edge of the bed.

"How are you feeling?" She asked. "Okay, but it hurts when they kick." She answered, looking down at her stomach. "The others are making breakfast, but I came to check on you." Toxic said, taking her hand in hers. Orlina smiled. Toxic was sweet enough to check on her, knowing they will sooner or later.

"Thanks for checking on me. I really appreciate it." Orlina spoke. "The pleasure is all mine. I'm always there to help out a friend." Toxic brightly said, hugging her.

"When is the baby due?" Toxic asked. "It's due tomorrow. Idk for sure if it's a boy or a girl." Orlina worriedly said, not smiling anymore. "Why looking so blue? We're here for you." Toxic can tell something was up. "It's just...I wish my mom hadn't died when I was still growing up." Was all she could say, her eyes turning to tears.

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