Episode 117: "Ivy meets the boys, until..."

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A/N: 'Morning guys, sorry if it's late. I was drawing and my mom was at the store, she bought Pumpkin pie Oreos, Halloween Cap'n Crunch cereal and string cheese. Enjoy the Episode!


The girls were running around, enjoying the lovely sunny day. It was BooBerry's idea to play Tag, even though they're not in Elementary anymore. Ivy was having fun herself, giggling and flying around. Everything was perfect, until one of them see the boys coming.

"Hey, ladies!" Lucas says, winking at Orlina. Orlina blushed and rubbed her arm. "H-Hey, Lucas..."

Ivy was confused, by looking at their features. 'They look like... brothers and sisters.' Her mind says. Wesley was holding Willow's hand, until he says... "And, who's this?"

Ivy looked scared and hid behind Flora. "It's okay, Ivy..." The boys looked confused. "...Yes, her name's Ivy and she's a new member in our group." Flora finished her sentence.

"That's funny because we met another Fairy yesterday..." Viper said. The girls widened their eyes, some of their jaws dropped. "...Let him show you for himself, Isaac!" Viper yelled.

(Here's a drawing of Isaac...)


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(...I drew him 2/3 hrs ago. Tell me what you guys think of him.)

Isaac flew towards them, making Ivy's eyes sparkle. "This is Isaac, we met him yesterday." Aimless spoke this time, causing some of the girls to faint from shock.

Out of nowhere, Ivy could tell Isaac was staring at her. She blushed, looking away.

Lucas noticed and said, "Why don't you go say, "hi" to her?" Isaac took in deep breaths and flew towards Ivy. "H-Hi, I'm Isaac." He introduced. Ivy smiled and said, "It's an honor, I'm Ivy."

Isaac took her hand and kissed it, saying, "Such a beautiful name for a Fairy like you.~" Ivy blushed redder, looking away. "Aww, you two make a cute couple." Orlina said, holding Lucas's hand.

Ivy blushed, while Isaac held her hand. "Yeah, the cutest, tiniest couples!" Scaria and BooBerry says, causing them all to giggle. "Ivy's one of the most beautifulest Fairies I've seen." Isaac said, Ivy giggling.

'Yup, we met her just in time.' Orlina's mind says, smirking.

After getting to know each other, Isaac saw a flower on the ground and gave it to Ivy. She blushed and took the flower, placing it on her hair. "Aww, even cuter than before." Wendy said in awe.

Ivy and Isaac blushed, smiling. "Look at you Ivy, now you got a boyfriend." Teased Candy.

Ivy squinted her eyes, blushing mad. "Y-Yeah..." Orlina smiled and asked, "Are you glad to have a boyfriend?" Isaac glanced at her as she blushed harder. "...I- I guess so, yeah." She answered.

Coral thought for awhile, then said, "Which reminds me, you two are like Derpy Hooves and Dr. Hooves." Isaac and Ivy both blushed, taking glances from each other.

After some time...
It was getting dark, meaning time for bed. "It's getting late, we should get some shut eye." Orlina orders, Lucas holding onto her waist. They all nodded, leaving to go home.

Right before Ivy flew away, Isaac took her by the wrist and said, "Will I see you again?" Ivy blushed and said, "Of course you will." He then kissed her cheek, making her blush more.

"Goodnight, my beautiful flower." Isaac whispered, causing Ivy to giggle.

"Goodnight, Isaac." Ivy whispered back, before flying towards her flowery house.



A/N: So, what do you guys think of Isaac? I drew him 2/3 hrs ago and he likes Ivy. If you don't know who Derpy and Dr. Hooves are, I'll show you a picture of them. They're both cute.

I'll see you guys next week, have a good day!   👋🏼🙂👋🏼

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