Episode 123: "Finding clothes for the kids"

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A/N: 'Morning y'all, this time I slept for 11hrs because I woke up at 8. Last night I slept at 9 PM, but today I woke up at 8 AM — So, I had 11hrs of sleep. I ate oatmeal and coffee today. Enjoy the Episode!


Yesterday was a rough start for Orlina, visiting their old High school gave her lots of memories. She couldn't stop crying, she cuddled close to Lucas. He got the message and wrapped his arms around her. Today, she's been feeling good now — It's almost time for her kids to go to Middle school.

Ethan & Mia were in their rooms, playing with their toys. Orlina came in and gently knocked on their door. "Kids get dressed, we're going to the clothes market."

As always, they nodded and got dressed. Orlina was happy to have kids listen to her. Once they got dressed, Orlina picked both of them up — Heading outside.

"Are my little bats ready?" Lucas says. They both nodded, clapping.

"Yes, our little bats are ready." Orlina says, getting in the passenger seat. While they were in the car, Lucas started the engine and head off to the clothes market.

*~At the clothes market~*
After Lucas parked the car, they all got out. Orlina unbuckling her kids' seatbelts, they were happy to get new clothes. 'Ah, they grow up so fast. I wish my mom was here to see her grandkids.' Her mind says, looking down.

Lucas noticed and came up to her. "Are you okay?" She only nodded.

"If something's on your mind, let me know." Again, she only nodded. The kids were already in, looking at a few things. Next thing they knew, they found the clothes market.

"Mom, dad, this way!" Ethan says, Mia following her brother. Lucas and Orlina followed them, holding hands.

"I found one!" Mia says, holding a cute outfit. Orlina checked the price tag and it 20$, not bad for that much money. "Okay, we'll take it." Mia jumped up and down, happily. (I'm no good at money, so DON'T judge.)

Once the kids got what they wanted, they went to the cashier. Lucas was paying for all of it, making Orlina smile. 'I'm so lucky to have a man like Lucas. Without him, I'll end up with a cheater.' Her mind whispered.

They were outside, putting the groceries in the trunk. "Now kids, you have to really get ready for school..." Orlina said, the kids looked confused. "We are in school, mom." They both said.

"...Pre-school and Elementary are the easy steps of learning. Middle and High are much different, they teach you hard math, they have assemblies there and many more." She explained.

"And trust me, your mother and I been through it all." Lucas added.

Ethan & Mia looked taken aback and said, "Really?" Lucas and Orlina nodded, smiling down at them. "And don't worry, if something's hard for you — Let us know. That's what parents are here for." Orlina says.

The kids nodded, hugging their parents. Lucas and Orlina hugged back, smiling.

Once they head in the car, they drove home. Orlina explaining more about Middle and High with the kids, they listened carefully not missing any topic.

"So yeah, you guys are heading to Middle school. They go up to three grades, 6th, 7th and 8th. You're going in 2 more days, get ready by that day." She ordered, her kids nodding.

'It's good to be a mother.' Her mind says, sounding like a boss.



A/N: When Orlina said, "2 more days" — She meant in Episode 125, they go to Middle school. And yes, during my Middle school years — They go by three grades, 6th, 7th and 8th.

I'll see you guys next week, bye y'all!   👋🏼🙂👋🏼

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