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"Welcome back home, darl" mum said as I turned around in my bedroom.

She jittered near my door. "Mum, I'm okay you don't need to worry about me" I said, walking close to her.

She nodded but didnt say anything as I took her hands. "What happened was an accident and I didn't do anything on purpose" I said, moving in to hug her.

Her arms went around me, holding me there. "Just know that of you ever need to talk about anything, do not be afraid to talk to me, I'm your mother and I love you" she said.

I smiled, before pulling away. "Matthew is performing tonight, can I go watch?" I asked, watching her face for a reaction.

"You're only going to sneak out if I say no, so yes you can see him but I will drive you and I want you to text me when you want to come home" she said firmly.

I nodded eagerly. "Okay, I'm just going to get dressed then" I said.

Mum pulled away and closed the door behind her as she walked out. I turned back to my room and raced over to my closet. Deciding for comfy and a little edgy, I pulled out ripped jeans and a white cotton bodysuit. I quickly had a shower and brushed my teeth, then did my make up and brushed my hair back into a slick high ponytail and than got dressed.

I grabbed my phone which had been charging and bounced downstairs. My mother was waiting for me. "Ready?" She asked, not commenting on what I was wearing.

"Yeah" I said, grabbing my small handbag.

She nodded and walked out of the house, I locked the door behind me as I walked towards her car.

I was really excited to see Matthew again. Things had settled between us and I felt like we were in a good place. Mum drove me to the cafe and idled at the front while I opened the door. "Babe" mum said suddenly.

I turned my head to look at her. "Just don't make the same mistakes I made, learn to be better" she said before looking away.

Frowning, I closed the door and she drove off. Once again, the cafe wa as packed as everyone stared at the stage, ready for The Kings to perform.

I managed to elbow my way to the front counter, before my elbow got someone,making them spill their drink. "Oh I'm sorry!" I exclaimed immediately.

He turned around and my eyes widened. "Shelby? I thought you were going to be in hospital for a while? Not that I'm not glad to see you out of hospital" Henry said quickly.

"Oh hey, yeah they let me go, since I wasn't a suicide case" I said bluntly.

I frowned as soon as I said it. "Well it's good to see you, and you look great!" He exclaimed, glancing at me.

I smiled at him. "Thanks Henry, it's good to see you too, did I miss anything exciting at school?" I asked, a little curious.

He shrugged one shoulder. "Not really, it's more interesting when you're there" he said grinning.

I rolled my eyes, placing my hands on the bench. "Can I get you a drink?" Henry asked, leaning in close.

"Oh no, I'm not drinking tonight, I'm just here to watch Matthew perform" I replied.

A weird look passed over Henry's face. "He must be glad that he's got someone as loyal and beautiful as you" Henry said, leaning closer to my ear as the crowd started to get loud.

I turned my head to watch Henry pull away and walk away, disappearing into the crowd. The Kings walked onto the stage and I shook off the weird feeling Henry had given me.

"How you doing tonight?" Harry called forward.

Matthew's eyes searched the crowd before smiling as he met mine. I waved slightly as that when the rest of the band looked at me. Connor, Wes and Harry all waved back.

Matt took the microphone. "This song goes to a beautiful girl out there who suffered lately and it was all because of me" he said.

I looked down as they launched into a song. "I see you're alive, I would say I'm happy to see you alive but I'd be lying" a bitchy voice said making me tense up.

I did not want to deal with her right now. "What do you want Courtney?" I asked, annoyed.

"How many times do I have to tell you, leave Matthew and stop trying anything with him" she said angrily.

I turned around to watch her clench her hand into a fist. "I can't make promises I don't intend to keep" I said firmly.

Her cheeks reddened in anger. "Stupid slut" Courtney snapped.

I intended on walking away and just letting it go, but she had pushed me to far now. I whirled around and glared at her. "No Courtney, you're the slut, I haven't slept with every guy on the football team, I haven't blackmailed anyone to get what I want, I've had a near death experience this week and to hell with you for continuing to bully me or anyone for that matter, if you have a problem with me Courtney... tell it to someone who actually gives a fuck" I snapped, making her eyes go wide.

Turning away, I held my head high and pushed my way through the crowd to a table near the stage. Harry and Matt where dancing around the stage with their guitars. I sat down at the table and watched them, smiling.

Connor grinned at me and gave me a wink and I rolled my eyes. The whole crowd was dancing and being crazy as The Kings debuted a new song. "Ladies and gentlemen, rockers and rockettes, today we give you a new song, written by someone very very dear to me, to us" Matt said, leaning into the microphone as he gestured to the band.

His black hair sleaked back as he ran a hand through it. He looked incredible in his ripped jeans, black singlet and red leather jacket. He looked truly like a rockstar.

I looked down at the bottle in my hand as Harry started to play the guitar. Matthew started to sing and I looked up as he seemed to enchant the crowd.

I stayed for their whole set and moved backstage as they said their goodbyes. Connor was first off the stage, jumping when he saw me. "Shelby! You're alive! I'm so happy!" Connor squealed jumping into me.

I laughed as I hugged him. Wes and Harry were off stage next and they hugged me as they came down. "Ew, you guys are all sweaty" I said laughing as Harry pulled away.

They parted as Matt stepped off the stage, a bright light in his eyes as he saw me. "Hey" I said smiling.

He still gripped the doorframe. "Hey" he replied.

"Awkward" Wes coughed.

I shot him a glare and Harry pulled the boys away so we could have privacy. "Great set, you guys killed it" I said stepping closer.

"Thanks, not really a surprise though, we always kill it" he said smiling as he dropped his arm and straightened up.

I rolled my eyes as he came nearer. Matt lifted his hand and cupped my cheek. "Its good to see you out of the hospital clothes" he said smiling.

"Its good to be out of them" I replied.

Not another second passed before Matthew kissed me, a warm promising kiss. His arm snaked to my waist and pulled me closer as I locked my hands behind his neck. He slanted his mouth just a little, tilting his head to make the kiss more frantic.

A small gasp left my lips as Matthew pulled away. "What was that?" I asked quietly.

He ran a hand across my cheek, brushing back hair from my face. "I really missed you" he said, before his nose brushed against mine.

"I missed you too" I replied, grinning.


Another chapter for you guys.

I really love Matthew and Shelby together but I have a feeling Henry is going to cause a bit of trouble.
What do you think?

Dont forget to vote and comment!
Every bit counts!

Love you lots, Tavana xoxox

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