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I pushed open the door to the girl's bathroom and stepped inside. Walking up to the sink, I turned on the tap and began to wash my hands before I heard someone crying. Turning off the tap, I turned my head to see one of the bathroom stalls locked. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked, walking over to it.

"Yes" the person replied, sounding familiar.

"Courtney?" I asked surprised.

"What do you want? Leave me alone!" She exclaimed.

"Hey, I'm not here to fight, I just wanna know if you're okay" I said, frowning slightly.

I heard the stall unlock and I stepped back as a tear stained Courtney emerged. Black mascara stained down her cheeks as she attempted to brush it away, it only smudged.

"This is your fault!" She exclaimed before sniffling.

I folded my arms. "My fault?" I asked, confused.

"You ruined everything" she said before crying again.

I walked over to the paper towel dispenser and grabbed some, heading back to Courtney. I gave it to her. "No Courtney, you need to stop blaming me for your problems, I've done nothing wrong" I said as she wiped at her eyes.

"You stole Matthew from me, took the spotlight and everyone thinks you're cool" she said, wiping her eyes again. 

I was fustrated. "If that's all you care about then you deserve to feel this way, this isn't a popularity contest Courtney, I'm not out to get you, I wanted to have my friend Matthew back and we so happened to be more than that, I don't care about no spotlight because I'm not like you" I replied, trying to remain calm.

"High school is all about popularity, it is a contest.. why do you think they have a King and Queen at prom?" She asked, pushing past me to the sink.

"Courtney, you aren't listening to me! I don't want the crown, I don't want any spotlight, I just want to be a girl who dates a guy and graduates high school, I'm not here for anything else, you are the one that cares about the spotlight, not me" I replied, as she started to wipe at her messy eyes.

Courtney sniffled. "We could have been good friends if you weren't such a bitch, why do you make it your life mission to make everyone feel less than they are? That's why everyone hates you Courtney, you aren't special, you're just like the rest of us except you like to think you're better" I added.

She turned to look at me. "You have no idea what it's like to be me, you don't know anything about my home life, you say it's shitty to judge someone quickly but that's what you all did to me, you all think I'm a bitch and I'm not, I'm just as anxiety ridden as the rest of you! But do you care? No!" She exclaimed.

I stepped forward. "People would care more if you were nicer, we don't judge people on looks, we judge them on actions, and so far you've done a terrible job convincing us you're a kind person, remember this morning? You called my friends freaks.. maybe you should think about what you say to others, you think you are the only person in the world with problems at home? Think again sweetheart, because you aren't" I replied, crossing my arms again.

She stared at me. "Give people a reason to trust you, give people a reason as to why they should like you, being pretty isn't all it's cracked up to be, sometimes people just want someone who they can talk to, stop putting on this false bravado because deep down inside you know you can do better, just stop being a bitch, that's not my fault Courtney, that's yours" I said before turning on my heel and striding from the bathroom.

I didn't want to hear her reply. It would've been another excuse, another whine. Matthew met me in the hallway. "Are you okay?" He asked as he pushed off the lockers.

I nodded. "Yeah, let's go get lunch" I said, reaching for his hand and pulling him towards the Cafeteria.

After a long line, we managed to snag a table. Conner, Wes, Matthew and Harry were all talking about this Friday's performance when I looked up towards the doors. Courtney walked in with her head down. She glanced around for a moment before spotting me. All make up had been wiped off her face and she had untied her hair from it's usual high ponytail.

She walked towards our table slowly and Matt was the first to take notice. Courtney stopped in front of our table and I shot the boys a look, telling them to keep quiet. The Cafeteria was silent. "Can I sit with you guys?" She asked softly.

Harry opened his mouth but I kicked him under the table. He gave me a glare. "Of course" I replied.

Wes moved over and gave her some room. The boys were deathly silent. Courtney sat down and finally looked up slightly. "Can I wave a white flag?" She asked, looking at me.

I tilted my head. "Help me, please" she practically begged.

Matt glanced at me. I studied her expression. "Are you going to do this for real or are you just going to find another way to torture us nerds?" I asked, seriously.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything I've said to you and everyone here, you were right Shelby, I need to stop pretending and I need to do good, be good and I promise I will try, my damn hardest" she replied, glancing at everyone.

I glanced at Harry, Wes, Matt and Conner. They looked back at me. "Okay, well as long as you promise to try" I replied.

Courtney smiled. "Thank you" she said, wiping at her eyes.

Wes slid his tray across. "Want some fries?" He asked.

Courtney nodded. "Thank you" she said, looking at him with wide eyes.

I looked at Matt and he smiled at me, his hand sliding onto my thigh and giving it a squeeze. "So we haven't discussed the real problem here" Harry said suddenly, making everyone look at him.

I was afraid he going to say something about Courtney. "And what's that?" Matthew asked.

"Do we get Shelby on stage to sing our song or not?" Harry replied, as we all sagged in relief.

"Absolutely not" I replied.

Almost immediately, Conner and Harry launched into begging and I kept refusing. "You sing Shelby, I've heard you sing and it's really beautiful" Courtney's voice cut in. 

We all looked at her. "She's got a point" Matt agreed giving Courtney a tight smile.

"Yeah for once, I agree with Courtney" Harry said, giving me a look.

"Ugh fine, you have to leave me alone after this" I said, as Conner and Harry grinned at each other.

"Yeah, they won't" Wes replied. 

I laughed.


So at least Shelby finally shut down Courtney..
Courtney's new desire to be good.. real or fake?

And will Shelby make it to the stage?
Stay tuned.. I'm super excited!

Lots and lots of love, Tavana xoxoxoxox

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