January 28th 2017

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I sit at my usual seat at lunch everyday, and was looking around the room when my eyes landed on her. I smiled a big smile because well, it's Kaitlin. And she was wearing her leather jacket on her little but adorable shoulders with her school shirt not tucked up and her school pants somewhat tight but somewhat not with her red converse that made her feel closer to Doctor Who. She fixed her glasses and locked her hazel eyes with mine, only for the hazel to become lighter at the sight of me and a little shimmer to come to them and her plump lips curve into a toothy grin and she walks on and flips her hair over on to one shoulder which always makes her look the best. She sits down next to me and starts a conversation but I'm not listening because I'm studying her features like it's the last time I'm gonna see her. I can tell my eyes must look droopy or wide open because she's my sister and I love her too much. Her laugh interrupts my studying and it's a unique laugh but one I know anywhere. My smile gets bigger when I hear it and my heart aches for how much I love her. And then her smile fades and tears prick her eyes and she chokes out "I'm hurt" and like instincts my arms wrapped around her adorable shoulder and I pull her into my chest and start trying to calm her down and tell her everything she is and needs to hear. I feel her body shaking from her sobs and I hold her tighter to me until I know that she is calm. She pulls away and wipes tears from her now dark and cloudy hazel eyes. I think quickly and say something and soon I see that toothy grin and hear that smile that i can hear from a mile away and the shimmer in her eyes comes back and her eyes regain the color I love studying. Then she goes on and on about Doctor Who but I'm not very much listening because I'm paying attention to her voice. When she gets closer to talking about a certain part she loves her voice get shaky as she tries to keep a laugh down and after she says it she hit her knee which is shaking. She's still hurt but because she's with me, the hurt's numbed and all she wants to do to laugh and talk and smile.

"Sealed lips and tight Grips"

Once upon a time there was a girl, she was afraid that everyone on the bus would not like her. Her voice being too loud and her humor too sexual or dark for some. Her dark hair that hints red when the light hits it just right. Her nose scrunches up as her friend tells a joke and her laugh comes bubbling out of her mouth and she shakes her head at the horrible pun before mumbling "this is why I love you". Then came a boy and sat down. Her friend and the boy hit it off right away. She slowly started growing closer to J and they became best friends. Every time he was around he would steal glances and look at her with adoration when she laughs or when she does anything really. One night she was worried about him not feeling the same way towards her that she does towards him. Her friend watched him closely and watched the way he stroked her hair and smiled down at her with her eyes closed and snuggled up to him. The way his tone of voice changed. The way he tried to impress her. But she still worried. When she didn't need to. Her friend loves their relationship, friendship or romance. Whatever it was, she wanted it to kept watching and couldn't take it anymore. She pulled out her phone and typed away a description of her closely friend. Who she has been studying all week. When the light hits her eyes it look like brown ice crystals had been broken and put in her eyes and then seal with a dark brown ring and the sparkle grew so bright on the trip she couldn't believe it. Her smile and laughe grew more confident and she would try to get her friend to do the same with her crush. But her friend sat and watched. Only to gather information for a book full of things her friend saw, felt, and did.

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