Nov 19 2018

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I'm tired of crying and rereading past conversation I've had with you. I'm tired of seeing you and feeling so hurt, my heart being torn out of my chest and thrown to the side because that's what it feels like. And I don't know why, why for a thousand times I'd stay and watch waiting for a change. But I'll tell you this I can ask for it and pray for it but something keeps pulling me back and I sit here and pray, god I pray about you everyday. Telling him to take you away but he pushes you closer whether or not you know little clues get put in my way. I try to put the in the past and forget about the stupid things. I've tried to move on I keep telling myself no, and for the last 100 times it's worked but tonight I'm broke down and waiting for you, a text for anyone anything and wishes for help or you. Whichever comes first

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