Feb. 16 2018

2 0 0

Swinging my legs around my bed

The cold air rushing to my thighs

The hair standing straight up

My thoughts are clouded with lyrics

The music playing was crowded with yelling

The room and home was silent

Yelling sounded through out my ears

The words so encouraging but the voice

Oh the voice

The voice sent a shiver down my back

The vowels making a sound

A sound I hate

A sound I'm so unfamiliar with hearing

My eyes squeeze shut

My head spinning slightly

My lips start moving the the lyrics being screamed

My mother rushes to see my state

My hand clutching my chest

Yelling things unknown to the world

This voice

This voice will be the death

The death of my feelings

I feel a pair of arms

Around my waist

My knees buckle

I fall the the floor in a state of panic

My lips still moving to the rhythmic sound of this voice I haven't heard

She is yelling over me now

The pain gets overbearing

I glance over to the table

A letter written in perfect handwriting

Addressed to me from that voice

That goddamn voice

I screamed out the last note and my vision went black

The voice whispered "I'm sorry"

I breathed out

And inThe voice is gone

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