Oct. 10,2018

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Blue lights flickering into a bedroom, a poster loosely on the wall as the sticky tack is slowly unsticking. The water covering the floor hasn't reached some of the cord. The waves threaten them tho. They're curled up trying to keep themselves alive for a few more seconds. The record player is playing an old rock song that has the melody soft enough to lull a baby to sleep. The paint is chipped and baby blue. The bed has a bright pink comforter dark blue pillowcases. The record slightly scratches and starts over. The needle lost its way for a few seconds bumping around. The window is a cracked a little due to a basketball hitting it 3 years ago. Spiders inhabit the cracks. Their webs making a design so intricate the owner of the house doesn't up the curtains. Children's laughs are heard throughout the halls.

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