Aug. 27 2017

2 0 0

True beauty
The colors of her clothes with the dark sky contrasted so perfectly, she flowed. I smiled while she stood in front of me, talking about some show she was into. I nodded, pretending to listen. I drank her beauty as my eyes look at her bright Pink shirt. Remembering all the detail from the flick of the letter y to reached around to touch to end of the n was so perfect. Her Disney shirt is something she wore a lot, and believe me I loved it on her. Her short white shorts shone through the darkness trying to consume her. I got down on a knee as she turned around and tilted her head smiling. "What are you doing?" I shrugged and peered through, turned on my camera, making the focus box around her face as she shook her head giggling. Her smile even defeated the darkness. A light formed around her everywhere she walked. The grass she stood on whines with delight and the bugs seemed too afraid to dive and bite at her. When she held a baby or a puppy they melted into her arms and when a guy or girl looked into her eyes their heart popped and dropped into their stomach. I took a picture and the automatic flash went off. I grunted and shut it off. Her beauty is bright enough to light up my photos. No flash. I took another one without flash and she took my camera from me,pulling it away, me following. I whined at the burning sensation on my neck from the strap. She said sorry and took it off my neck and stared at the picture. Her smile appeared as she saw what I always see. The darkness being brightened up by her smile and her pink shirt outlining her body. Her shorts pulled up and her baiting slightly blowing around. She looked at me "what was your project about anyway?" I blush and looked down, kicking the ground. "It's to show true beauty in the world. I was gonna take photos of nature but I got carried away by you" she smiled and pulled me into a hug. I knew there was a reason I called her sunshine.

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