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The Chase

When being held captive by an Aston Martin, apparently, the first reaction to your screams of terror is for it to hit you over the head with their holoform. Mark looked up, dazed at the red haired man that sat over him now, putting a pair of small Cybertronian cuffs from his glovebox around his ankles. The mech had already bound his wrists behind his back, stating this was much more efficient than seatbelts, and it was, Mark couldn't move. Knock Out had lost Hound for the moment, and stopped in an alleyway in order to bind up his captive, whose struggling would not bode well for Galvatron. "Quit squirming!" Knock Out snapped as Mark tried to kick out "Didn't your owners ever teach you manners?"

"He's my foster dad you stupid sorry piece of-!"

Before he could finish a device had inserted itself in his open mouth. It coiled around the edges of both the inside and outside and forced him to clench. On the surface a large metal muzzle covered his mouth, only allowing him to breathe out of his nose now. "Ah hello silence, my old friend." Mark groaned as Knock Out tossed him into the back seat of his alt mode "You're lucky our orders were to take you in alive if you were there... If they weren't I'd have killed you for the curses you've thrown at me."

Alive? Orders? So the Decepticons did want him after all. Not that Mark was all that surprised, he was probably the perfect hostage for them. Someone close enough that he was family to the Autobots, someone who they could use to bend Hound and the others to do their every whim. "Ahem." Knock Out opened up the comm channel "Lord Galvatron, I've acquired a present for you." He then added "A little one all wrapped up nice and tight."

"The boy?"

"Yes, my liege, the Autobot's precious human pet." He felt as the boy kicked at his windows in vain, but mostly ignored the nuisance "I've been followed away from the ambush site, however. The old one seems very possessive of his property, I barely shook him after about a half an hour." He then added "Shall I proceed to bring him to base?"

"Of course you should! The Autobots are probably hunting you as we speak. Bring the boy to me." Galavatron snapped "We're going to have a rather fun playdate, if I do say so myself."

"Of course my liege." As Knock Out disconnected, he groaned "I grab the prize and yet he still treats me with NO respect." Mark felt as he was tipped until he was sitting straight up, a seatbelt going tightly over him for good measure "Do you get respect among the Autobots? Oh who am I kidding! You're a pet, pet's don't get "respect"."

Mark lunged, but soon was shot back by the seat belts as Knock Out pulled out of the alleyway. Not more than a second after he'd exited, the sound of police sirens filled Mark's ears, his eyes peering over at the police cruiser headed their way. PROWL! Mark thought with relief, even as Knock Out floored his engine again, cursing to himself.

Knock Out clearly noticed as the human's eyes lit up, and chuckled. "Don't look so happy. Sure, the fight back at the park is likely over, but I've got overhead cover." Knock Out teased, as Mark noticed what he meant, the blue and red jet was flying slowly into view overhead "You're not going anywhere, kid. I don't plan on going to Galvatron empty-handed. So either you or your head are coming back with me."

A blast nearly sent Knock Out toppling over, and the mech groaned. "Slag, change of plans." Knock Out grunted, as he used a small device to retract the gag and the cuffs "Don't get too excited." The mech's holoform disappeared as he transformed, grasping Mark in his hand again, his other turning into a blaster "I just need you more free if I'm going to keep you in one piece for Galvatron."

Mark quickly saw what he meant as Bumblebee rushed down one end of the street, sending off blasts at Knock Out. "Thunercracker! Handle the bug for me! I don't have time for one-on-one combat!" Knock Out quickly leapt and latched onto one of the large buildings, climbing up as through the windows humans scattered in every direction "Y'know, you're a lot of trouble, kid." He noted as he set Mark on his shoulder, knowing the boy was forced to cling onto it or fall to a horrible death.

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