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The Battle of Dallas: Part 1

Fear pumped through Mark's veins like blood, tears long ago drying in his eyes. The chain that secured his handcuffs together had been wrapped around the headboard of the bed in his "room", making his arms constantly above his head. The guards came in every so often, some taking glee in tormenting him, of feeling his flesh, and, for some, dissect and study him But Coulton wouldn't allow that, noting that Galvatron didn't like his pets to be touched, or otherwise played with by anyone else. Mark closed his eyes, the Autobots had still not been heard from, maybe he was wrong. Maybe they wouldn't find him to be worth the trouble of going through another Chicago. Not for the kid whose dad had helped make any of this possible.

No one was coming, he convinced himself. Hound and the others were probably long gone by now. "Mark..." Mark's head shot up, speak of the devil, was that the bond. "Mark, can you hear me? Please, sparklin' say something..."

"Dad?" Mark replied through their bond, relief sweeping over him. "Aw, man dad. I was so scared, I thought..."

"It's alright, son, I know you're scared," Hound's voice came through loud and clear as he sent a soothing feeling through the bond. "Don't worry, kiddo. We're comin' for ye, all of us," Mark's eyes lit up at that. "Well, we're here to save Dallas too. But I'll be slagged if our number one priority at the moment ain't making sure you're okay," Mark felt a wave of relief hit him. "Can you tell me where they took you, son? Even if it's just a minor description, we need to know where we're going if we're gonna break you free."

Mark tried to remember details of the tower he'd been taken to. It was hard to remember thanks to all the fear, but he did his best. He tried to turn over slightly, and look outside the window. He could barely see the exterior but began. "It's giant, like this huge tower thing... I'm right in the center of town I think, but I can't really tell," Mark shook his head slowly. "I-I don't remember anything else. I've seen the inside of this bedroom too long, I can barely see out the window."

"That's okay, kiddo, that's good." Hound soothed him tenderly. "I'm going to break contact, but not because we want to. Only because we can't let the Decepticons get any indication of foul play," Mark blinked, unsure of what that meant. "Just hang in there a little longer, kiddo. We're coming for ye, and I'll tear down any Decepticon that stands in my way."

Mark didn't reply, but now sighed and felt tears of relief fill his eyes. Hound was coming for him, they all were. They were going to fight there way through Dallas, but they were not just going to leave him there. His eyes shot up as the door was once again thrown open and a Pretender stepped inside. "If you try anything, I have orders to take you dead or alive," The mech spoke coldly.

As he approached, he carefully began to unlock the handcuffs as Mark groaned in pain. It took a moment to get his hands to go at his sides, but once he did, the pretender gripped his arm and dragged him out of the bedroom. Again, Coulton waited in the den, holding a glass of high grade. "What now?" Mark grunted. "Aren't you done screwing around with me yet?" He questioned.

"Now, now, let's not be hostile about this," Coulton turned around. "I sent you to your room in hope that you would stop being so defiant. But of course, I suppose I should have known better," He sighed, shaking his head as he approached Mark. "Lucky for you, I'm not the one that wants to talk." He commented, pointing towards an elevator near the door. "Get moving, or, well, you know the drill by now."

Mark clenched his fists but did as he was told as Coulton led him into the elevator. They traveled up slowly for what seemed like hours, but he knew was only seconds until the door opened up to the roof. Where Galvatron, who Mark guessed had scaled the building, stood. "So you finally decided to show your ugly face," Mark chuckled, looking up at Galvatron. "What do you want?"

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