stuck (fuli POV)(kions POV)

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Me and kion fell into the raging river and kion hit his head hard and started to sink. I myself could barely keep myself from sinking. But I dove under the water to help kion I grabbed him by the scuff of the neck and pulled him to the surface. I was getting tired and finally I passed out and slipped into the dream again.
I was in the lair earlier than usual. Waiting for the rest of the guard when kion came in and I asked him if we could talk he said" sure fuli what's up".I started" kion I... i but just then kion was pulled away like always and then it flashes to the future and kion Is gone.
When I woke up I was crying again. I got up and walked over to kion. Who was still asleep. He was barely breathing and his head was bleeding badly I started to cry and look up at the sky and started to sing. "
why ,why do I even try every time you just RIP him away from me why I ask you why the great kings of the past, all I want is to be together give me strength to give it my all but now I ask you to take it away and give it to him let us live again be with our freinds because with out him you take all my strength to fight, why do you say that you can be there for me you take all I love and now once again you steal from me....." kion began to wake up I ran over to him he asked me why I was crying, I lied" it just after the fall i am tired and still a little wet. He said okay fuli

I knew fuli was lying but I didnt know why. Her eyes were red from crying. I didnt want to push her over the edge. I remember what happened in a calm voice I asked fuli " fuli wht did you run over to me I told you not to? "Because kion thought i could help
" well you couldn't fuli" we began to fight "all you did is make it worse I could have handled it" well sorry kion mabye I just wanted to be there for you you've saved me so many time and now I try and you just yell?!? Mabye I shouldn't have join the guard!!!" She ran off crying. What have I done fuli I'm sorry and I began to cry as well I looked around and noticed that we were in the middle of nowhere I couldn't even see pride rock. I ran off in the direction fuli went and it felt like I was running forever but I finally found her she was singing " sometimes we try our best but they think were not good enough I try so hard but he dosnt even recognize me" I walked over to her and said " fuli" she jumped " fuli I'm sorry for the way I treat you like your just a pawn fuli will you forgive me" she said " lion I...i dont know if i can right now i need you to tell me the truth " yes fuli" do you think I'm really useful to the guard? "Yes fuli you are the fire of the guard I'm the glue you the hope that keeps use going. " Thanks kion" we walked back to the river and started looking for a way out of the strange lands

kion x fuli The story Of untold LoveWhere stories live. Discover now