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(Kion pov )
       as me and fuli walked back to our new den she asked me.
"Why did we leave i thought we were going to try and find out more about this place.
"Well we were but janja was going to use the alone time before we decided to come to ask jasiri to be his mate.
"Really thats so cute."we continued but then i got and idea and i asked fuli to follow me. We were near a place i had found my first time in the outlands i shoed fuli a little place between two rocks we squeezed through and it opened into a path we walked up onto a small platu. It was beautiful. The sun was already setting and it gave the sky a beautiful green haze. The beauty was unmatched but to one. The beautiful eyes of my love.
"Fuli i love you and i want to be with you forever"
"I love you to my prince"
She smiled and nuzzled me. We watched as the sun set. We had a long talk about what we were going to do next and we wonder if it was ever going to be normal again. Then i decided it was time.
"Yes kion"
"Will you be my mate?" She looked surprised and she smiled. 
"Yes kion i will be your mate" she licked me on the nose. The darkness of the night began to glow as the mark of the guard slowly reappeared.

kion x fuli The story Of untold LoveWhere stories live. Discover now