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(Kions POV)
       I was laying next to fuli hoping she be okay. My side was burning from the pain but it died down a little I decided to clean it in the river I slowly climbed in trying not to slip to far in. Then I climbed out of the river the slash felt better but it still hurt I layed back down and went to sleep.
       My dream was unusual it was about fuli I walked into the lair fuli was already their waiting.
"Oh hey fuli"
"Hey kion"
"Hey fuli can we talk"
Sure kion what's up
"Before you start kion I need to say somthing"
"Oh okay fuli"
"Kion I love you"
Before i could respond we where ripped away by a unseen force,I started to cry
"I love you too fuli"
          When I woke up I walked over to fuli whose breathing had steady and she was breathing normally again she was still asleep though. And I was hungery and I knew she would be too. I went to look for somthing to eat.i wonder around for a few minutes which felt like hours then I finally saw a lone gazelle it was hurt but I started to stalk it because their was nothing else around I got close and pounced I brought it to the ground and started to drag it back to the river. It took forever and it was dark when I got there. Didnt realize how log it really took fuli was still asleep but she finally started to wake she sat up and looked around she saw me and try to get up but she couldn't she was still injured I dropped the antelope and ran over to her she almost fell back on the ground but I caught her and she slowly laid back down
"Fuli are you okay"
"Yeah I l....I guest that lioness really did get me good
"Okay fuli take it easy

      I walked back over to the antelope and dragged it over to her
"Fuli you can eat first you need it"
"Kion you need to eat to and you did catch it"
"I'll live"
"Okay how bout this kion well eat together"
Okay fuli, we began to eat
"Fuli we need to get out of here soon there barely if any food here I barely found this"
Okay kion but how I cant walk I'm to weak"
"Fuli your not weak your stronger than anyone else in the guard even me but even the strongest of warriors can fall but what makes them truly strong is being able to ask for help and and having trust"
Thank you kion.
Fuli before we go I need to confess to you about somthing before it's to late
"Okay kion what's is it
"Fuli I've been having dreams about you and I think I love you
"Kion....i....I dont know what to say" fuli leaned in and kissed me.i was stunned
"I've been having dreams too kion"

kion x fuli The story Of untold LoveWhere stories live. Discover now