the beginning of the end

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After waiting a few hours on came back with kion. Kion wouldn't look up as ono talked. I watched him slightly while ono talked zoning out a little trying to figure out what he's thinking. Finally ono stopped and we decided that it was time to take back the pride lands. Ono and beste went to get the hippos and elephants to help, bunga and kion went to get the lionesses, and I went to gather the hyenas.
    They 2 groups ran off to get there animals gathered. And I went off by myself I ran as fast as I could.
    When I finally arrived the area was deathly quiet, I called out jasiri and janja's name with no prevail. After waiting around for what seemed like 30 minutes I decided to head back. I slowly walked off. My thoughts were clouded trying to figure out where they went, they said they would help us didn't they? I asked myself.  A couple of pebles feel from the side of the cavern and I looked up to see. At first I didn't see anything but then realized it was a small hyena. It was jasiri *she motioned for me to keep quiet and to follow so i did. Finally we arrived at a new den she pushed me inside and asked if it a was time. I slowly nodded and she agreed she would help fight scar and take best the pride lands....

kion x fuli The story Of untold LoveWhere stories live. Discover now