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    I ran back to the other members of the guard as fast as I could forgetting about mine and kions talk. Bunga saw me and squealed out
   "Fuli!  What took so long!?" He moved his head to look around me "hey where's kion?"
     My face darkened a little when he said his name remembering our talk but I flashed a small smile
   "He had to go so something" I said trying to hide the discomfort in my voice.
   "Oh ok, I hope he comes back soon, why didn't you go with him?  He shouldn't be out alone in the pride lands with the outlanders wondering around"
    I looked at bunga slightly stunned by how serious he was being for once.  Finally i got my thought back and told them that we needed to talk. Ono asked if we should wait for kion and I told him that we would fill him in later.
   I told them about what had happened between me and scar, leaving out a few details of why I was near pride rock. After I was done telling them the three were silent thinking about it until ono finally said
   " That's strange, why would he have changed so much from when he was the firey spirit... "
After that they went quiet again. I waited until finally I asked ono if he would keep a eye on pride rock, and to see if he spotted kion.  He agreed and flew off.

So after this there is probably 1 to 2 chapters left
After this I'm leaving
Thank you all for the wonderful support
And I'll give more information on the last chapter

kion x fuli The story Of untold LoveWhere stories live. Discover now