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(Kiara pov)

We started running over to kion. I was the first to reach kion when I got close I stopped running and walked over to him I nuzzled him and noticed his paws and side were bleeding fuli was bleeding too. Simba saw there condition and said
"Oh kion I knew I shouldn't have let you into the guard, not yet"
He gently lifted kion onto his back and told beshte to get fuli.
(Beshte pov)
Kiara and nala went back to priderock to wait simba, the rest of the guard and me continued to Rafiki's tree we went as fast as we could without hurting kion or fuli any more. We finally arrived at rafiki's tree
"Rafiki rafiki we need help"
Rafiki came out of the tree and motioned to bring them up. He rapped them up and put some concoction to help them heal
"Simba you must let them heal they will be fine and they are vary lucky they even escaped the desertlands"
"Okay rafiki I trust you to help"
Simba left and the guard started to leave to go to sleep.
"Yes beshte"
"how lond do you think it will take to heal"
"It will take time but your freind will have the time they need"
"Thanks rifiki" I started for home.
(Fuli pov)
I woke up in Rafikis tree I jumped up and when I did I felt a strong pain in my legs and collapsed rafiki came in and helped me up
"Take it easy young cheetah you may be the fastest but you still need time to heal"and he laughed
"Ugh" and I layed back down
"Rafiki where's kion?"
"Ahhhh yes he is here fuli"he moved some vines
"Rafiki can you help me over to him
"Wh.....oh"he started to laugh again come cheetah he helped me over to kion and I layed back down. when rafiki left I nuzzled kion and went back to sleep with my head laying on his shoulder and slipped into a dream.
Me and kion were much older and there where little cubs running around I smiled kion started to leave to hunt and I licked him on the nose and nuzzled him as he left then it skipped to when it was almost night kion came stumbling in injured i ran over to him he wasnt breathing then I woke up.
Kion was still asleep I stood up finally able to stand easily I walked down to the water hole no one was out I was hungry and eager to run so I decided to clear my head and hunt
I saw a zebra it was all alone ((probably lost )) I smirked and started to stalk it I got within 20 feet and took off like a rocket slamming into the side of it taking it to the ground and I bit into its neck for the kill and started eat.
After I was done I went back to the tree I walked into the room kion was I. he started to wake and he sat up I ran over to him and nuzzled him. But he pushed me away and said
"Stop cheetah I dont know you" and I ran away crying.

(((I was hoping to make this chapter longer but this feels like a perfect place to stop sorry)))

kion x fuli The story Of untold LoveWhere stories live. Discover now