where to go

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(Kions pov)
          Me and fuli ran into the outlands not looking back. Then janja jumped out in front of us
"Kion,fuli you got to help he's taken it to far."
"What janja what do you mean"
"Scar has cursed your father now he controls and he's gonna ruin the pridelands"
"Janja all you ever did was try to take over the pridelands now your ganna succeeded and you dont want to"fuli asked
"Kion the only reason I really came into the pridelands is for food and to see you guys it was like a game.
"I'm sorry janja I cant help I have lost the roar and I'm no longer a part of the guard I have been banished from the pridelands"
"What no there must you can stay in my den if you'd like"
No janja where going to stay with jasiri snd her clan"
Actually kion can I come I want to join clans."
"Sure janja"
The three of us walked down the narrow path into jasiri territory when we were getting close we heard a loud thud behind us and a whimper we turned and jasiri had janja pinned"
" jasiri it's ok we need to have a talk and janjas with us" jasiri unpinned janja
"Thanks guys"
"So what's up kion?"
"Jasiri I would it be okay if we stayed with you for a while?"jasiri looked stunned.
"What? Why?
"We have been banished from the lands"
Cuz I refused to stop seeing fuli and apparently scar has cursed my father.
"Yeah sure you can stay"she smiled
"Wait why is janja with you?"
Janja spoke up
"Uhh jasiri i... I was wondering if we could combine clans and um us come stay with you guys"
She looked skeptically at him.
"Sure but I'm the leader of this clan and anything I dont like your out got it?"
"Yeah yeah" he ran off to get his boys
"Come on you two let's see if we can help your wounds. We walked to her den and she help heal us or at least everything she could. My front leg had been broken when I collapsed and she rapped some vines around it to hold it up and let it heal. And we went to sleep. 

((So I'm just decided to update whenever I write somthing so yep also this chapter might be a little confusing sorry ))

kion x fuli The story Of untold LoveWhere stories live. Discover now