will you ?

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(Kions POV)
As I sleep I had a dream but I felt like it was more than a dream. I was talking to mufasa,
"Grandfather mufasa I'm not sure what to do. My father is, is there a way to help him. Or does it always end badly for the kings?)
"Yes kion you will be able to help your father, but first you must heal and get stronger.
"Yes mufasa"as he faded I woke up stood and hopped out side jasiri was talking with janja. She laughed and he smiled and lowered his ears. They seemed to be getting along well. Fuli walked up next to me and nuzzled my cheek.
"You feeling okay kion?"
"I'm fine just wondering what where going to do"
"Were going to do all we can do get used to our new home, and get stronger and then try to help your father.
"Thanks fuli"
She smiled "no problem. We walked over to jasiri and janja they were talking.
"So janja what are we taking and adding from your territory I know you said you didnt want to go anywhere near the volcano?"
"Uhh we can go to the edge of the jackal territory and stop there."
"Okay let's go mark it" they started to walk off but I caught them.
"Hey jasiri wait up!"
"Yeah what is it kion?"
"Can we come with you you could teach us about living in the outlands." She frowned
"I'm sorry kion but you two need to rest."
"We will take it easy if anything happens we will run right back."
" ugh fine but you better not be lying"
Fuli laughed
"Kion I dont know if I can keep that promise after all I am fuli the cheetah" she smirked.
"Nah I'm joking I'll do what you say."
Jasiri looked confused for a second. Then she turned back into her confidence self.
"Ok let's go" janja looked annoyed by this but he didnt say anything. We started off and janja was lagging behind I slowed down a little to talk to him in a whisper.
"What's wrong janja?"
"Its nothing kion"
"Come on janja I can tell something's wrong"
"Promise you wont say anything"
"Sure what is it?"
"Before you were coming along I was going to ask....I was going to ask jasiri to ve my mate." It surprised me.
"Oh I'm sorry, do you still want to ask her?"
"Yeah I do, why?"
"No reason bye" I smiled and ran up next to jasiri. Hey jasiri me and fuli are gonna head back.
"Everything okay kion?"
"Yeah fine bye"
I walked back to fuli smd told her what's going on she nodded and wr headed back.

(Janja POV)
I watch as kion smd fuli left leaving me and jasiri I started to run to catch up. I came up next to her and smiled.
"You feeling okay janja?"
"Yea...yeah I'm feeling ok, why do you ask?"
"I noticed you lagging behind."
" oh sorry I just wanted a few minutes to think and then kion helped me reach my decision.
"Oh what was it?" I gulped and then looked at jasiri snd stopped she stopped as well she smiled back.
Which only made me feel more nervous.
"Jasiri dont freak out or nothin"
"Okay what is it?"
" jasiri will you be my mate?"

kion x fuli The story Of untold LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon