escaping the out lands??

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((Fuli's POV))
When we arrived at the river we looked around the edges to see if their was a way back to the pridelands because the only thing we knew for sure was what direction we came from. Kion was acting strange, he looked like somthing was troubling him so asked him what it was kion what's wrong? Nothing fuli but I wasnt convinced kion please. Really fuli it's nothing. We can look for a way home in the morning and he layed down and went to sleep I layed down 10 feet away but somthing felt off. But I went to sleep anyway.
I woke to the sound of crying I looked around for kion but he was missing I got up and looked around but didnt see him still the crying was gone but i knew what direction it came from i went in that direction and asked if kion was there, but no answer. I called out again alittle louder this time but still no answer then he appeared next to me which scared me.
then I gave him a hug
"whoa fuli I was just looking around for a way out because I couldn't sleep"
kion was hiding somthing and his eyes were red. Kion I need to tell you somthing important.
" what is it fuli?"
Kion I love you"
i love you to fuli"
"really? "
Kion went for a kiss when he was a inch away from my face every thing started to get blurry and fade away than I woke from a dream
"NO,why does it always have to be a dream

(Kions POV)
I woke to fuli yelling and crying.
"Fuli what's wrong?"
"Nothing kion,its just.....never mind."
" okay fuli" I got up to get some water when I did I notice something at the top of the ridge to the left fuli must've noticed to because she said
"Kion do you them"
"Yeah fuli"
Than they spoke
"Well well well if it isnt the lion guard in The desert lands well kion and fuli
It was janja
"Have fun escaping their he laughed and walked away"
Than fuli spoke
"Ugh I hate janja sometimes"come on fuli let's go mabye theirs a way up somewhere"okay"
We started looking but we didnt see any we decided that we'd have to climb fuli went first she just ran full speed at the wall and went right up it she stared to slide at the top but she made it I was about to started the climb when zira came out behind me
"Kion look out!" Nefore I could react zira slashed me across the side. I fell to the ground from pain I tried to speak but only a croak would come out.
"Fu...fuli run"
"No kion" she was about to cry.
"Please fuli"
"Listen to your lion freind little cheetah"zira laughed
"Please fuli just go"
Okay kion" but before she could go a lioness jumped on her and she fell to the ground bleeding. Zira was distracted now and I struggled to my feet and lunged at zira pain shot up my side but I didnt care I did it for fuli. I knocked aira to the ground and slashed her face. She wemperd and ran off I walked over to fuli sur was unconscious and her breathing was shallow.
"Fuli please wake up,I I cant lose you fuli ,I love you" I nuzzled her. And I started to cry.


kion x fuli The story Of untold LoveWhere stories live. Discover now