Chapter 1

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I'm running in a forest but to where I'm not sure. There's just this voice in my head that is urging me to run and run and to not look back, and I have this strange urge to follow it. All of a sudden I'm at the edge of the cliff and there's no way to go but down. That's when my dad appears, hovering in front of me and smiling at me. I stare at him and he's telling me to jump.  Then I'm falling, and I hear someone shout "NO!", briefly catching sight of a tall boy with short black hair and the deepest, most vibrant green eyes I have ever seen that have a a look of horror in them, and I smile to myself, thinking that I know this person, and knowing that he'll catch me, I close my eyes and fall into nothing.

I sit up in bed, my heart racing and my hair stuck to my neck and face. What a dream. I glance at the clock and realise I need to get my ass downstairs if I want breakfast(which I do). Today is my first day at my new school, Brockwood High senior year. I reluctantly drag myself down the stairs and grab a cereal bowl and my favourite box of cereal, weetos. I get the milk and start thinking about my dream. I'm not surprised that my dad was in it, he has been in my dreams daily, but  who was that boy? I feel like I know him, but I've never met him before. And he was HOT! Suddenly my legs feel wet and I look down to see the milk has gone all over my jeans and floor! so much for making a good impression.

After cleaning up and changing into a cute white frilly top with blue jeans, I head out and walk to school today, as it is a nice day. I'm really on edge cause I hate being the new student. As I walk into the administration centre I am really nervous but decide to pull up my big girl panties and act tough. I get my rota and locker keys and walk to my first class, English. Great. I love English. In the lesson I find out we are learning about Romeo and Juliet. I have read the play before so I know what I am doing. phew.  The bell rings and as I'm packing up I see a girl with long blond luscious locks giving me a death stare and immediately avert my eyes. I manage to get through my lessons and head to the cafeteria when another girl with a black bob walks up to me and shoves me , making me drop my books and bag. She than walks away laughing.

In the cafeteria, I wonder what that was about, when I trip over someones's bag and end up falling on my ass spilling all my drink and food. And you can guess what happens next. The whole cafeteria bursts out laughing and I hear " Idiot!" and "so stupid" being called out . I go beet red and immediately stand up and start running out of the cafeteria, tears threatening to spill out. I don't look where I'm going when I smash head first into something hard, a muscular wall. I stumble backwards and am thinking the day can't get any worse when the person holds out a hand. 

"I'm so sor-" I start to say, when I look up into the deepest, most vibrant green eyes I have ever seen.  

No way. No freakin' way 

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