Chapter 19

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Ok, so the food was not nice at all. I literally had to force it down my throat and try my absolute hardest not to puke. It was like, the hardest thing of my life. Honestly. And I'm not exaggerating.

Well, after that DELICIOUS lunch, dessert came. It was burnt chocolate cake with a river of buttercream running down the side of it. My favourite. Well, I took the smallest slice possible and it was quite hard since Noah was trying to accomplish the same goal. We really are alike. Any way, after lunch we said our goodbyes and farewells to Noble Blackberry and Marie Blackberry and then sat back in the carriages. I look at Noah. He looks at me. We burst out laughing.

"That was..." I begin.

"Yes I know," He replies with a big grin. His green eyes are shining with laughter.My heart smiles. 

"So, next is the Earls' town?"I ask.

He nods."Yes, Earl Maxon will be waiting there for us."

"Give me a quick profile about him so I'm prepared," I say

" Earl Maxon is a close member of our family. He is actually my and Alex's first cousin. But his looks are much different. He has dark blue eyes and long eyelashes. His hair is dark like chocolate and he is 5'10. Yes, very tall. He is very wealthy and unmarried." He states.


"Yes, he claims that he hasn't found the right person yet. He has got a lot of time,he is only about 23 years of age,and he is extremely good looking. And btw, he is a full vampire, all earls and nobles are. I actually can't wait to meet him, it's been far too long." 

"Wow, he doesn't even sound that bad. How long till we get there?"

"We should be here-"

He stops talking just as our carriage stops. Well, I guess that answers my question. We step out of the carriage and I look up to see a mansion, standing as still as a statue(Of course). And then I see the other carriages empty out. Noah goes up and greets Earl Maxon, who is wearing a tux today and his hair is slightly messy, like the wind just blew in it. Saffron and Clare come and stand next to me. 

I turn to Saffron." Well, he is quite good looking, don't you think?" I ask her.

She immediately blushes and smiles. "Yeahhhhhh," She replies.

I laugh."AWW, has someone got a crush on Earl Maxon?" I ask her playfully.

Her smile grows bigger. " No! Of course not! I-I"

"Oh my dear Saffron! It really is ok if you have a crush on a guy, and really, I don't blame you;he is quite handsome," I tell her.

She blushes a deeper shade of red. "But, your highness-"

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, pinky swear," I say with a smile. 

She looks nervous. " Um, thank you, your highness," She replies quietly.

"You and me-girl talk when we get back alright?" 

She giggles. " Alright." 

And then Alex comes sauntering over to us. "I hate to interrupt our little girl talk, but I'm afraid that Princess Alice must meet Earl Maxon now," He says with an annoying smirk.Ugh,beg.

So, I go up the steps and take Noah's outstretched hand. I look at the smiling Earl. "Your highness, what a pleasure to meet you finally. My cousin here has told me lots about you and honestly, I couldn't wait to meet you." He states.

"Oh really?" I drawl.

"Yes, and might I say that you look stunning today, your highness. Now, would you like to get on with your tour? I'll be personally taking you to each house and then you can place the flowers where I tell you. Is that alright? Oh, and also, you may bring with you, one lady in waiting."

"Oh ok," And then I smile, remembering Saffron. " I'll bring Lady Saffron with me." I tell him. " She looks quite marvellous today, wouldn't you agree?" I ask him.

He blushes slightly. "Oh, um, yes, she does look pretty today, yes.," He stutters out. Wow, they would look so cute together. 

And then we say goodbye to everyone else and walk to each house, Earl Maxon in front with Saffron(after my insistence) and Noah and I behind them. I look at them' they look like a happy couple, with Maxon pointing places to Saffron and both of them laughing at things he says. My heart swells for Saffron. She looks so happy at this moment. And then Earl Maxon is showing us the first house, and a servant comes up with a large basket of paired roses; one lavender, the other sea blue. One leaf on each stem, and tied with a white ribbon. Noah picked well. And then we proceed to place one pair on each doorstep of each house(which took quite long, you know,), but I enjoyed going on this romantic sort of walk with my fiance. He showed me the sights and talked to me about normal everyday things, and I felt like we proper bonded. I feel even more love for him now. The park and the trees and the statues were so pretty. Nature was very well cared for here and it was a magnificent place. The sun was smiling down at us,and I felt utter bliss at that moment. And then as we were walking back, Noah pulled me into a small park and pushed me against the tree, crushing his lips to mine. I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer to me. I feel a bolt of lightening go through my body and smile against his lips. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me harder. After a while, he pulls away. 

"What was that for?"

"I just love you," He says. 

"I love you too, my darling," I reply. He takes my hand and we walk back to the carriages. Everyone is already in, except for Saffron, who is HUGGING Earl Maxon. He takes her hand and kisses it. They smile at each other. And then she gets into carriage 3. We are going to have some serious girl talk when we get back. Saffron may be 22 and I may be 19, but girl, we need to talk. But I feel so happy for her. Noah and I walk up to Maxon. 

"Thank you for being our chaperone," I say."It was lovely meeting you and I had a lovely time." I smile. He bows. Then Noah thanks him and they shake hands. 

"Goodbye, see you soon cousin," I hear Maxon say as we get into our carriage and start towards the seven villages. Our last destination. I look out the window and see large areas of land and farming taking place. There are forests and houses dotting the land. I can see the clouds lazily walking across the sky, and animals running wild in the distance. Everywhere is clean and everywhere is beautiful. In no time at all we stop. Noah and I have just gotten out when I hear a scream. I look up just in time to see a man come running towards me, a crazed look on his face. But that's not the worst part. The worst part is that he is running right towards me, holding a knife, which looks newly polished and very, very sharp. I gulp. In a flash I'm on the floor, the man is pinning me down, and he is holding the dagger knife thing to my throat. He has a malicious smirk on his face. 

"You are going to die, half-breed," He says, pressing the dagger thing deeper to my throat. I scream as I feel a small lake of blood running down my throat. I'm clawing at the man, trying desperately trying to get him off me. I scream again. And then I see it. 

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