Chapter 23

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"Sarah!"I shout. I shake her unconscious body hard. She doesn't awake. I feel my heart start to race in my chest. My sister! She can't be dead! I scream and wish I had water to splash on her face. The all of a sudden, I'm holding a bucket of water and without even a second thought, I tip the contents on her face. She sits up almost immediately, her beautiful, long, red hair dripping wet.Her clothes are now damp aswell. I sit back and wonder how the heck that happened. I look at my father, who is studying me and Sarah with equal interest, and an enigmatic look on his face. He chuckles. 

"I was wondering when that was finally going to happen. It seems your water power can only be unlocked when in deep worry or desperation. That's good to know."

"EXCUSE ME?!!!" I shout again. "I just found out that I have a sister, which no one thought to ever mention to either of us, and now I find out I have what? Water powers?"I say with a slight scoff. 

My dad pierces me with his vibrant green eyes, identical to mine. " Alice, you have the four elementals as powers. Earth, fire, water and wind. These are all triggered at random times;no one knows when they will occur. You could be walking down the aisle and your fire elemental could just decide to show itself and you could erupt in flames, and pun intended, you would look very hot. There is one additional power;you have the ability to destroy absolutely anything when you get vexed. I planned to tell you this after your wedding, but, well, your water elemental has decided to show itself now, as a result of your desperation to wake up your sister. How enthralling. And, pun intended again, it was quite a cool show." He chuckles again like we are just having a hearty conversation and Sarah and I didn't just find out we're long lost sisters and I have POWERS!!!! 

Sarah and I exchange a look. " We have a few questions,"Sarah, now recovered, says sarcastically. 

"I thought you might. By all means, hit me,"Why does he sound so confident? 

"Ok,"I start,"Why did Sarah come here?"

"Like I said before,because she was the second daughter, and you could never meet-"

"Why could we never meet?" Sarah asks, suddenly absorbed into the conversation, like one might see their favourite celebrity walking down the street.

"You couldn't ever meet because then you would get to know each other, and Sarah would be wed to Noah, as is tradition for second daughters. We never wanted this, believe us, but going against the king's orders is treason, and we couldn't lose you both. Who would look after you? Your mother and I always wanted to tell you, but Aidan just refused until he found out about the wedding custom that must take place for the wedding to happen. At first, we didn't believe that he could do something like that, but then Mary found out that Aidan had gone to one of our oldest warlocks and used a spell that could alternate the mating bond and change it to Alice. And we thought it could never work. But the warlock was stronger than we thought, and the mate bond changed as soon as Alice turned 4, and you 2. Alice got the mark of Estonia's royal family on her right shoulder, instead of you. And she got it at the same time as Noah. You know Alice? The three stars designed in a triangle shape? That is called the 'mate mark of the royal family of Estonia," and you have it.So, any more questions?"

"Yeah, why did King Aidan want Alice to marry Noah so badly?"Sarah asks, a little annoyed.

My father takes a deep breath." Because he knew that Alice would have the power to control the elementals, and he wanted someone powerful for Noah." She nods understandingly. How is she taking this so calmly? I'm freaking out on the inside. 

"And who is Eladora?" I ask.

"Oh, she's basically my mom. And the one who urged me to get this job. I haven't seen her since I started this job, which was when you came, and that was...two months ago, in June, since its august now." 

"Ummm ok then. So does this mean that Sarah..."

My father nods understandingly."Yes. Sarah is officially the younger sister of Princess Alice. She is also a princess. And she has to be announced before the wedding, because then there will be rumours and then there would be disarray and mayhem in the villages and towns of this new mystery family member of Princess Alice. This is why Aidan told me in July to tell you two of this. Your mother wanted to be here also, but she can only come when summoned or has an appointment."

"How do you even know mom is here?" I question him.

"Well, we are mates, so we do have a telepathic connection. She told me she was here when she first arrived, and has been keeping me up to date on everything."

"Aaaahhhhh, so that answers that question," I say.

My father stands up. " Well, if that's it then you had better get on with your dress appointment Alice. Oh, and I cancelled our lunch together now that we have done this little talk here. I think you would agree that it is more important than a small lunch... And Sarah will still be your dress designer, don't worry about that Alice. She will just be called Princess Sarah from now on, and anyone lower than her has to curtsy to her. You, of course, don't have to, because you are older. Now, I'll leave you. And please don't take it all out on your mother when you next see her, both of you, she had plenty good reason to do it. I can't wait to see more of your powers Alice,"He says. And he whisks out of the room without another word. 

The door shuts slowly as if mocking us and then we steadily turn towards each other, as if not wanting to face reality. 

"Well, that was...sudden," I say to her.

She meets my eyes with a guilty expression. 

"Sarah? What's wrong? What's happened?" I start to rant uncontrollably. 

She gulps and looks to the floor. 

"Well, I already knew we were sisters since the day I turned 16..."

It feels like my mind has been blown up. She didn't just say that, did she?

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