Chapter 37

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I take a step back from her. 

"Prince Alex?!"

"SHHHH! But yeah.We were so in love and ugh. Afterwards I told him we had to end this and well, we did. I never mentioned it again and we both made a blood oath never to tell anybody, unless..." Then her eyes widen in shock and she looks at me like she has just made a huge discovery.

I grab her shoulders and shake her." What is it Saff?"

"We wouldn't tell anyone of our relationship except for our future partners.But Alex and Sarah aren't engaged, so how could he have told her?"

I nod and then think to myself for a bit. "Well, since there are some very powerful warlocks in our kind, he must have gone to one and found out how to break the oath."

She nods understandingly. "That is possible. Oh Alice, why did it have to be like this? I was going to tell Maxon after your wedding, but now with Sarah's threat, I'm going to have to tell him ASAP."

I pull her in for a hug. "Don't worry Saff, I'm sure he'll understand. He loves you so much." I added, I hope,in my mind.

"But what about Sarah?"

"Well, I'm going to talk with her afterwards, but if you're going to tell Maxon as soon as possible, then her threat shouldn't be a problem. Please be my maid of honour Saffron."

She smiles and nods. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

And then she goes off with Olivia who was waiting patiently and I sit down with Deejah,Honey and Clare. Then I remember I wanted something different for Saffron's dress. I call Rosetta and she comes after a few minutes, looking happy and pleased with herself.

"Oh your highness! We are sure we have found the perfect dress for your bridesmaids. But you said you wanted something different for Lady Saffron..." I nod and then whisper in her ear what I want. She pulls back and grins at me.

"We may just have that dress your highness. " And then I walk back and sit down.

A few minutes later, Buttercup and Sarah come out in a light blue, full length dress. It has a slit in the side and the skirt is ruffled. The top is plain but with a sweetheart neckline. They come and stand on the platform. Jasmine comes out and explains what the dress is and that it is made of chiffon. Very light and billowy.

"Well girls, what do you think?" I decided to get their opinion first because they're the ones wearing the dresses, and most of all I want them to feel comfortable. 

Deejah says," I think that since your wedding is outside, these dresses may be unsuited for the wedding, and we'd feel cold."

"Well, I think they're very pretty and I love the colour!" Sarah adds.

I turn to Clare. "What do you think?"

"Honestly, I agree with Deejah on this one. And they are a bit plain for bridesmaids dresses..."

I nod." Yes. I agree. And I wanted lavender dresses;these are blue. I don't think I'll be purchasing this one."

Then Jasmine takes them back.Saffron hasn't come out yet, but I just hope the dress I've picked for her looks stunning on her body. 

After lots of dress modelling and no's, Sarah and Buttercup come out in beautiful dresses. They are full length, reaching just to their ankles, and lavender! It is accompanied with a white sash at the waist and a little puffed out skirt. The top is also a sweetheart neckline and there are little lavender gems around the hem. Jasmine says these are made of silk, and I instantly fall in love with them. But I must get my bridesmaids' opinions first.

"Well, what do you think?"

They all nod, thankfully. "I love it," Buttercup says.

"I second that," Deejah replies.

"I third it," Clare replies. All agree except one. 


She nods. "I think they look good." 

"We'll take them." They all give their measurements and Jasmine whisks off to help Sarah and Buttercup undress and change. They come back a short while later. 

"Where's Saffron?" Clare asks.

"She's coming." I wanted to save her for last so that I could really focus on her dress.

"There she is!" Deejah squeals.

And then Saffron walks in with Rosetta. Her dress is long upto the ankles and a dark shade of red, like I asked. She has a tucked in waist with a stark white sash and her dress has a sweetheart neckline.The bodice is covered with crystals and the skirt is long and plain. At the bottom you can see another layer of light red(yeah that's a colour) that contrasts so well with the dark red of the dress. The back is open until her lower back and her sleeves are long and made of white lace. She is holding a red and white bouquet of roses and she looks absolutely stunning!!! 

Everyone else is dead silent aswell.

"Oh Saffron I love it!!!! You look amazing!!!!!" I shout, breaking the silence.

Everyone squeals and says she looks beautiful and marvellous and extravagant. I nod and we all hug her. 

"Do you like it Saffron?" I ask her.

"If my princess is happy, then I'm happy."

"What about the cold weather?" Sarah sneers.

"Well, let's just hope for a warm evening." Saffron laughs and half an hour later, we are all back at the palace. 

"Ladies, I have had a wonderful afternoon with you all and I am so happy we found the right dress for each and everyone one of you." They all curtsy and then leave. 

"Sarah, could we talk?" 

"Of course." She says. Then we go up to my bedroom and I close the door and face her, my arms crossed on my chest.

"Sarah! What the hell? What was up with your behaviour today? I thought you were better than this?"

"How could you not pick me to be maid of honour?"

"Seriously? I can pick whoever I want, and that sure as hell does not mean you get to go and threaten my best friend! You need to go and apologise and I never want to see you acting like this again, do you understand?"

She nods and looks down, ashamed. "Yes Alice. I'm sorry. Jealousy got the better of me. I was so mean."

 I go to her and hug her. "It's alright Sarah. I forgive you. Now go have a think and when you see Saffron again, make sure to apologise." She sniffs and walks out of my room, when I have a thought.

"Wait Sarah? How did you know about Saffron and Alex anyway?"

And then she barely whispers, " I didn't. Mom did."

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