Chapter 21

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As soon as we arrive home, I go straight to my room. I dismiss Deejah for tonight because I am just so tired. I decide to read for a bit though. But then I realise that I don't actually have a book with me. Well, I know what I'm doing tomorrow morning.

As I come out of the bathroom, I glance out of the window. The moon is smiling down at me, and the clouds look sombre in the dark, midnight black sky. It looks very eerie, mysterious and spoooky. I shiver. The trees are dancing in the wind and the wind seems to be racing across the city. There are no stars visible tonight though. I shrug and walk over to the light switch and switch it off.  I yawn and climb into bed. I think about today and sigh happily. My official wedding tour is over. Now I can focus on actually planning the rest of my wedding. Although getting attacked and almost killed was most definitely not the highlight of my day, I'm sure you can understand why. But it was nice visiting and meeting the council and the villagers. And the kiss! I giggle. Noah is so full of surprises. I sigh again and then close my eyes, locking myself in the darkness of the night. 


I wake up and sigh. It was such a hectic day yesterday. But I'm glad it's over with now. I sit up and see a breakfast tray sitting on my bedside table and a note. I grin and get out of bed. I grab the tray and sit down on my desk. The tray is filled with the most heavenly food. Baked, crispy waffles with maple syrup and chocolate chips. Two slices of toast and butter. There are pancakes and scones and whipped cream and jam. Also, a cup of tea and water. There are also a bunch of flowers in a small vase. I smile to myself. That must have been Noah. I don't know how I am going to eat all of this, so I grab the note and start reading it. 

Princess Alice, 

I hope you had a glorious sleep. I am sorry to say that Honey has called in sick today, I think it is fever. Pray she gets well soon.Instead, Lady in waiting Saffron will be in your room shortly to get you ready for the day. You are served breakfast in your room today because the royal family have gone out to feed, and Prince Noah insisted that you not eat alone. Today you will have a free morning and in the afternoon, a dress fitting with Sarah Sherry. Here is a simplified version. 

Schedule for Princess Alice:

Morning: Free relaxation time. 

Afternoon: First royal dress fitting with royal dress designer, Sarah Sherry. And lunch with your father. (Ugh, seriously?) 

Evening: Meeting with the king and queen. 

I wish you an eventful day(how nice) and the best of luck. 

Head maid, 

Afrina Stilts. 

I fold up the note and place it on the desk. I proceed to eat a scone and the waffles and drink the tea. As I wait for Saffron to come, I just start walking around the room. About 10 minutes later, I hear a knock at the door. I open it and Saffron is standing there. She is wearing a light pink, chiffon knee length gown with little crystal gems around the skirt area. There is a white sash tied around her waist. Her long black hair is shiny and glossy today, and it is tied back in a long ponytail. She wears crystal studs and a shiny ring on her middle finger. Her heels are long with silver buckles across the ankle. Very stylish. She looks like a model. Her dark skin stands out against the sparkles of the diamonds. 

She curtsies. "Good morning your highness. I hope you slept weeeee aaah-" 

She squeals when I pull her into the room and shut the door. She looks at me with a cross look at her face. " And what was that for?" She enquires, a little annoyed. 

I laugh. " We need to talk remember?" She nods, remembering, and smiles slyly.

"Come on, let's get you dressed quickly and then we'll talk, " She says. And half an hour later, I am showered and smelling of roses and lavender. Saffron dressed me in a full length turquoise dress with a white sash(like hers,) across my middle. The dress is ruffled at the bottom and has a slit from the thigh to my ankle. There are two shoulder capped sleeves with little diamonds along my neckline, which is a small V. The rest is plain. She pairs it with a small green ring on my index finger and then a small silver tiara with green diamonds along the design. And then I wear mid heel turquoise shoes with one ankle strap. There is also a small flower on the front, which glitters like a ruby. And my hair is straightened and left down today. Then I tell her that I want to go to the library and talk there. She agrees. And then my head guard(guess what?! I finally learnt his name! It's Elijah,) and his little gang escorts us there and then proceed to wait along the entrance. 

We enter into the largest room I have ever seen even bigger than my room, and that is actually saying something! It is filled, row to row, column to column, shelf to shelf with hundreds, possibly even thousands of books, varying in size and colour. 

"They are all alphabetical and ordered," Saffron tells me. 

I squeal and jump up and down. "OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never seen anything like this!" I shout. The room is a light blue colour and there are a few chandeliers around the room. There are lavish carpets everywhere and lots of places to sit; chairs and sofas and armchairs. It looks so big and beautiful. I do a half turn around the room and squeal again. 

"So, is there a reason you wanted to specifically talk here?" She asks me.

"Oh, I just wanted to visit the library because you know, I love to read, and I thought you would help me pick out a book..." I answer. "We should talk when we get back to my room, you know, more private?" She looks a bit sad but reluctantly agrees. I hug her.

"You're a great friend, Saffron!" I whisper. 

She hugs me back. " Thank you Alice,"She whispers back. 

I pull back." So, about this book... What do you like to read?" 

"Hmm. I like romance and mystery. " Then I suddenly have a thought. "Saffron, do you think there would be a book about me, you know, because I'm part of the royals?" 

She looks thoughtful for a moment. " Actually, yes! There is a whole section here about the royal family of Estonia's history. I guess you might be there." 

We look around for a bit, then find a book that looks about right. Saffron pulls it out. " Here we go!" She looks excited. Like me. We walk over to a sofa and sit down. And all of a sudden, I remember that file my dad gave me. I have to read that immediately. 

"Actually, Saffron, I feel a bit faint, I think I want to go lie down," I tell her.

"Oh, are you alright Alice?!" She asks, slightly panicked.

"I need to lie down," I repeat. So she gets up and we walk back to my room, guards in tow. I tell Saffron to leave me for a bit, and miraculously she does, saying something about a medic. After she leaves I rush over to the bed. I throw the pillow to the side. And then my eyes widen. The file which I put under the pillow the morning before the's gone. And in it's place is a small, crumpled up white paper; a note. 

'You'll never know..." 

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