Chapter 38

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 Author's note: Just a heads up. This is a small chapter. I promise the other ones will be longer.



She chuckles nervously. "Yeah. I don't know how, and I wasn't supposed to tell you either, so please let it drop? I'm going to apologise to Lady Saffron and ask for her forgiveness. I promise not to ever be like this again." And then she leaves.

I sigh inwardly. Well, at least that's taken care of now.

Then Afrina knocks and enters my room. 

"Your highness. Miss Mary is here for your final wedding meeting. She is waiting in the living room as we speak."

"Alright Afrina."

I walk into the living room and see my mom sitting down in an armchair and Noah sitting opposite her on a couch. I stride upto them and sit beside Noah, taking his hand.

My mom smiles. "Good afternoon your highnesses. I hope you're well. So this is our last meeting before your wedding to finalise things and then you won't see me until the wedding day. I will be busy arranging things and sorting things out to make this the perfect wedding for you both. Since our last meeting in November, everything has been arranged and everything is ready to go. There is just one last thing that we haven't yet addressed and it is very important." She turns to me.

"Princess Alice, who would you like to walk you down the aisle to Prince Noah? Who would you like to give you away?" Well, I must admit, I wasn't really expecting it. I mean, I know that someone would have to walk me, it's not like I'm gonna be walking down by myself like a loner. But I've never really thought about it, I guess. I mean, if my dad hadn't walked out on my mom and I when I was about to turn 18, then of course I would've chosen him and been confident to have him give me away. It was my dream when I was little. I used to fantasise all these dreams about my wedding day. But now...Ugh. I don't know. There are so many choices. I decide to make a mental list in my head.

1.My father


3.Earl Maxon(Yeah, he's actually an option)

I would put my uncle if he wasn't such a B word and he hadn't done so much to my family already.

Noah jumps in while I'm still contemplating who to choose. "Her father of course."

I glare at Noah, a little annoyed. "Excuse me?"

He turns to face me fully now aswell. " What? It must be your father. Who else?" He scoffs."It's not like there are many choices anyway, babe." 

Oh.Hell.No.He didn't. I stand up, dropping his hand,rage boiling up inside me. " Don't 'babe' me, Noah. And actually, you don't get to make that decision. If you weren't so deaf, you would've heard Mary saying that I get to choose. And don't you know the history behind me and my father? Don't tell me no. Even Uncle Aidan knows we don't have a strong bond! So don't ok. " 

By this time Noah has stood up aswell. " I fully understand the situation between you and your father, Alice, but I still think he should walk you down the aisle."

This time I scoff. He thinks I'm some submissive woman? Well, he is in for the shock of his life. " And what makes you think I care about your opinion, Noah?" 

I look into his eyes and see hurt. Oh shit. Did I go too far? " Noah, I'm sorry-"

He holds up a hand to stop me. "It's alright Alice. Clearly I don't get a say in our  wedding. Choose whoever you want. I don't give a damn." Then he storms out of the room and slams the door shut behind him. I am on the verge of tears now. I didn't mean to say that. He knows what happens when I get riled. I feel anger and hurt running through my body right now;dark, raw and sharp. 

I turn to mom, who is studying the carpet with false fascination. " I choose Prince Alex." Then I turn away and run to my bedroom, slamming the door shut behind me. I run to the bed and collapse on it, shutting myself in a world of anger and darkness as the tears fall down my face.

Only a few weeks before my wedding and I had my first ever argument with my fiance. 

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