Chapter 26

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Ok, so I was not expecting this...scene when I came back from the library. Alex and Sarah don't seem to have noticed me, still locked in their passionate embrace, so I decide to just leave and talk to Sarah later.It's not like she's going anywhere. 

However, I don't look where I am going and end up bumping into the side table, near the entrance. It makes a loud 'BANG' noise. Oh shit!!!! I casually carry on walking as if nothing happened, when I hear

" Alice?" I spin to see Alex and Sarah now standing far apart; Alex is actually not smirking for once, and Sarah is blushing like a strawberry, and not meeting my eyes.

I laugh nervously. "Oh, hehe, I was just coming to talk to Sarah when-"

"You didn't see anything, did you?" Sarah asks cautiously, now meeting my eyes. 

"Um-well, I may have seen-"

"OMG!! You saw!!! It was nothing Alice, I swear. You left with Noah and then I started crying and Alex didn't know what to do so he just walked up to me and held me while I soaked his shirt. I told him everything and then one thing turned into the next...and then he kissed me. It was just to comfort me, nothing else. I swear. It was just a kiss, nothing more." She blurts out quickly. 

All the while I am looking at Alex in my peripheral vision, and I see his eyes fill with sadness when Sarah says it was nothing, but he quickly covers it up. How sad. He also tries to keep on a   straight face and well, let's just say he's doing alright.

"Alright, I believe you, if you're sure it was nothing more than just a kiss..."

"I'm positive. Now, I think we should do your dress fitting and have a sister girl talk." Alex takes the hint and walks out sullenly. 

"So, let's get this over and done with then," Sarah says. She runs off to get my dress. A couple of minutes later, I'm led into the dressing room. My dress is there again, and it looks as stunning as before. I slip into it and Sarah adds on all of the other essentials, then look at the mirror at my reflection, then at Sarah's.

"So..I think it should be taken in just a tiny bit more at the waist, to give your curves more shape, and shine up your skirt a bit more aswell," She says, whatever that means. 

"Ok. I think it still looks beautiful though, Sarah. It's weird thinking my little sister is designing my wedding gown, isn't it?" I ask her.

She freezes, then regains her composure. " Um, yeah..." She answers, again not meeting my eyes. 

I try to not roll my eyes. " Oh my dear Sarah, I don't want things to be awkward between us; we are sisters after all. I know you may be in shock, but think about me. I am also, but don't you think it's wonderful that we are sisters? We were practically before anyway... and now both our dreams have come true!" 

"You thought of me as your sister?" She murmurs.

"Well, yeah. And now, we are reunited. You're a princess!" I squeal.

She smiles bashfully. " I suppose I am but... aren't you the least bit angry at father and mother and King Aidan? me?" 

" I am furious, and all of you had no right to keep me from that, and they just saved themselves a whole lot of embarrassment and humility, but now we are together, and I shan't ever lose you Sarah. You mean too much. Even though you did lie, but I forgive you, because I understand why you did it. But King Aidan, however.."

" You're right. An I am very relieved that you forgive me. I promise never to keep secrets from you again Alice. And yes, King Aidan, I understand why. But on the brighter side, I am so glad to be making your dress!!!" She shrieks.

" Aww, I'm so glad we had this talk. No more awkwardness? Or lies?" 

"No more awkwardness. Or lies." She agrees.

I nod. " Now, help me out of this, I need to have a rest." 

And 15 minutes later, I'm in my room, lying calmly on my bed. Sarah is my sister. I have a sister!!! I have powers that are triggered by different emotions. I am getting married in less than four months!!!! This is some unbelievable shit, but I'm happy nonetheless. 

A knock on the door. " Come in," It's Saffron! Oh my poor Saffron, I have been quite horrible to her today. 

" Saffron. Come in. I think it's time to talk. " 

She reluctantly comes and sits on my bed, next to me. " Are you feeling better now?" She asks with a smirk. 

" Yes, very. Now, tell me all about Earl Maxon." I say, facing her properly.

She blushes instantly. " Well, I have never met him in person, because I am from a noble house, and he is an earl. But I have heard of him. He is such a good person at heart... kind, brave, generous..."

"Muscular, good-looking, cute..." I add.

She smiles and shoves me playfully. " Yes, and all of those things. I had read about him so much in the news, 'Earl Maxon becomes head earl'...'Earl Maxon donates to the village of Crayden'... all of them, and I started to develop a crush on him, ever since I was fifteen. It was like, my biggest number one dream to meet him. And then I became your head lady in waiting and was appointed to go on your tour with Clare, and then you picked me to go around the Earls' town together, and I was in heaven. I can't thank you enough Alice!!! It was everything I thought it would be...and more. And he was even more handsome and kind in person. And then we had to say goodbye, and he hugged me and KISSED MY HAND!!!!!" She screams. 

"Aww I am so happy for you Saff! If you don't mind me calling you that..."

"No,I don't mind at all. I can't wait to see him again, if he is invited to your wedding, that is," She says, hinting.

I laugh. " Of course he is invited to my wedding, why wouldn't he? He is my cousin, after all. "

She squeals and hugs me. " Well, I was kinda hoping for before that..." She mumbles.

"What do you mean?" 

"Oh! Nothing. I must say that it is my time to retire for the night, goodnight Alice, see you tomorrow. And good luck with you meeting!" She says then hurries out of the room.

What did she mean??? I wonder to myself, when there's another knock.

"Come in," I say a little annoyed.

And then Clare walks in. And curtsies. 

"Good evening, your highness. I will be getting you ready for bed because your evening meeting with the king and queen has been postponed and Deejah is away today to meet her sister in the village of Astoria." 

I suddenly have a thought. If Clare and Saffron are both from noble houses, and they do seem to be the same age and friends, maybe Clare knows why Saffron was acting weird.

" Clare, I need to ask you something. Saffron and I were talking about Maxon, and she was telling me how she wanted to see him again. I said she could, on my and Noah's wedding, but then she said she was hoping to meet him before that... Now, I may be new here, but I do know a few stuff. I know that Lady in waiting's are not allowed to date men until they have their Princess's permission. So she wouldn't date in secret..." By this time I look at Clare, who is looking anywhere but at me.

" Clare... what do you know?" 

" Well, you are completely right, and Saffron and I have been friends since we were five..." 

"Clare, stop stalling," I say sternly. 

She gulps and pins me with those amazing grey-blue eyes.

" She never wanted anyone to know but the reason she wants to see Earl Maxon before your wedding is because.."

Another gulp.

" Its her 23rd birthday on the 12th of September, and she was secretly hoping for a birthday party..." 

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