Chapter 30

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"Don't you even think about it Clare," King Aidan says very sternly.

Clare gulps again, but then looks serious. "No, Aidan, if she is the princess I am serving, and she just walked in on us, then I truly think she deserves the right of an explanation" She fires back.

My uncle huffs. " She may think different of you afterwards."

"I don't give a shit of what she thinks of me;only that she is my friend and friends have to be able to trust each other fully and not be awkward with each other. I don't care if you don't want me to say it, but I will. You need my blood to survive, so you'll listen to me. Now get out before I tell Ama and unleash hell on you." 

And Oh My Lord, he does!!! He storms out of the room without another word. Wow. King Aidan speechless. Clare is some bada** girl. And I thought she was sweet, innocent and quiet. She most definitely is not, by golly she isn't.

Clare turns those stormy grey blue eyes on me. She breathes deeply and faces me fully.

"Princess Alice, why don't you take a seat?" She says, now in a soft voice.

I cross my arms over my chest." I'd rather not." I retort.

"I know that you may be feeling betrayed by what you saw, but believe me, I was just giving him my blood. He needs it to survive and rule properly, to the best of his ability and at full strength, and the only way was to drink my blood. Please believe me, it was nothing more than him drinking my blood. I don't love him, well, I may feel something for him, but it's not love. Not yet anyway. And he, well, I think he just uses me, to be honest. I've never really asked. And Ama just can't find out otherwise there will be war between vampires and faeries, and we most certainly can't have that. Personally, I would like to tell her, but it's too late now, and I just can't ever bring myself to do it. She's too sweet.  And really, I'm not the heart breaker type. The only reason I use it against Aidan is so that I at least have some power over him. I am planning to stop letting him drink my blood, because of course, when you and Noah get married, then you will take over, so he will retire from royal duties, and he can just live a normal vampire lifespan, without the blood of his mate. I actually don't know why I am his mate, I am like, 15 years younger than him, and we hardly feel anything towards each other. I like to think it was fate. Any way, he needs my blood, so I give it to him willingly. End of story. And please, no questions. So, how is it going with Saffron's birthday party?"

I am still gawping at her absent-mindedly. Well, that was unexpected to say the least. How long has she been doing this for? But clearly, it's a subject she doesn't like to talk about, so I reluctantly push aside the hundreds of questions in my head and smile forcefully at her. 

"All the prep is done. Earl Maxon has been invited. And everything should go according to plan. He will bring her in, and then we all shout surprise. The cake is sorted, her favourite flavour too, Strawberry and Cream cake with strawberry and rose flavoured buttercream. I can't wait. And her dress, well, I have arranged for Earl Maxon to take her out, so she will already be wearing something fancy. Sarah has been working her butt off making a stunning dress for her. " 

Clare smiles happily." That sounds perfect. I can't wait Alice!" She walks over to me and hugs me. 

"If you don't mind me saying-"

"I don't mind at all. And I recommend you get an early nights rest for the big day ahead." She smiles again then curtsies and leaves.

I sit down on my bed and then sigh, very content with all this planning. Alex has done a great job. Just then Elijah comes bursting through the door.

I shoot up. " Elijah? What is it?" I ask warily.

He breathes heavily and looks up at me. "Your highness. You have been summoned to the trial room."


"They've found her."

This guy is not making any sense whatsoever. "Found who Elijah?"

"They've found Princess Eladora."

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