Chapter 11

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I stare at the sheet of answers in front of me, wondering how it could be true. Why the hell would Noah want our wedding kiss to be public after he clearly understood how I felt the last time it was public. I put the sheet away, too angry. Then a knock comes at the door. 

" Come in," 

And Deejah enters. Bearing good news I hope. 

" Your highness," She says. " Your royal tour of the kingdom has been rescheduled for this Saturday, after breakfast. Oh, also, Mary said that your next appointment will be in two days' time, which is Friday. Now, it's time for bed. " Then she takes the sheet from my desk and stashes it away in her uniform pocket. Probably to give to Mary.

Deejah goes into my walk in closet and returns with a comfortable looking cotton night gown which is knee length and has a hint of sparkle to it. Nice. She tells me to change into it, so I do. Then she sits me down in front of the mirror and starts brushing my long,unruly red curls. After a while she tells me to lie in bed, and she will see me tomorrow evening. Then she lights the fire in the fireplace and leaves with a goodnight. I drift into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning I'm woken by the sound of footsteps bustling about the room. I groan and sit up in bed. Honey is busy cleaning up my room, humming a soft tune to herself. I really like it; its like a soft melody. She sees me looking at her and walks over to me. 

" Sorry to awaken you, your highness,but I did knock and no-one answered. I got a bit worried in case you died or something, so I just came in. But you were sleeping so soundly, so I left you and started cleaning up a but. I hope you don't mind,miss." She says quietly. 

I look at her and realise that she has turned a deep scarlet colour. Oh dear. She looks like a tomato. 

" It's ok, really, I was just surprised to see someone here is all," I reassure her.

Clearly it worked because the next minute she tells me to get up and shower. After  that, I get dressed into a deep purple silk gown with half sleeves and a little brooch. She sits me down and does my hair into an elaborate bun, with a few curls left around my face. Then she applies mascara and a hint of pink lipstick, and then steps back and looks at me, as if admiring her work. 

" I think I'm finished miss. What do you think?" I turn and stand in front of the mirror. And I have to admit, I look hot. Honey knows her fashion well. 

" Thankyou so much, I love it Honey!!" I say and hug her.

She awkwardly hugs me back. After a minute I step back and smile at her. She gives me a pair of shiny purple flats and tells me to go to breakfast. I thank her again. And then leave. It is actually so much easier to walk now. Honest to God. Any way, I arrive at breakfast, and only Noah and the Queen are there. The head of my five guards tells me to go in, so I do. I sit down next to the queen, opposite Noah.

" Good morning dear, how are you? You look lovely today, I must say," The queen says.

" Thankyou your majesty I am well thankyou," I say, before realising my mistake. Well shit. The queen merely chuckles. 

" Please, just Ama," She says. Her name is Ama. That's pretty. I just grab whatever is in front of me and put it onto my plate without looking. 

I turn to Ama again. " Of course your maje-Ama," I reply. She smiles then returns to her food. I look down at my food. And do you know what it is? It is muesli!! Oh yuck!!! I do not like muesli. I glance at Noah and see that he has waffles and pancakes with nutella on his plate. Lucky thing. Ugh. So as not to be rude, I start eating it and try not to choke. 

" Um, Ama?" I ask

" Yes dear?" She replies. 

" Can I ask where the king and Alex are?" 

" Oh, they have gone to visit a nearby village, there was some problem there," She tells me.

" So how come..." 

" Well, I was going to tell you later, but since you are ever so curious to know, I shan't keep it from you any longer. Today, you have a couple of things to do. And on one of those things, Noah must accompany you as tradition. And it will be filmed. Now, I will leave you two to chat and I will see you later my dear. "She kissed Noah's forehead and winks at me. Then she leaves. 

" So..." I begin, trying to keep it neutral. 

" Alice, I know why you are mad at me-" 

" Oh really?" I drawl.

" You have to understand, some choices aren't mine. Everyone will be expecting to see a wedding kiss, so I had to choose public, even though I know you hate it. But we must. It is our duty. And I don't want us to always be angry at each other. Please Alice, I am sorry, but I need you to understand," He says. 

And he does look apologetic. " Alright, but I don't know if I am ready to say 'I forgive you' yet. So, can you just wait a little longer Noah?" 

" For you, anything." He gets up and hugs me. 

" I can't wait for later," He whispers in my ear and then turns and leaves. 

I walk back to my room with this stupid smirk on my face,looking like an idiot. I enter my room and close the door. And then jump. Afrina is standing legit right there. Sheesh!

" Afrina, you scared the heck out of me," I say.

" Sorry your highness, but we have a tight schedule for today. Sit, and let me tell you a few things. " I do, and she begins. 

" You have met with your evening and morning maids, Honey and Deejah?" I nod.

" Great. You will also have a maid who will be your lady in waiting, and she will arrive here shortly. There are a couple of things needed to get done today, and no rescheduling is allowed alright?" She gives me a pointed look. Sos den. 

" First, meet with your lady in waiting. Second, your first royal dress appointment. And third, wedding cake tasting with Prince Noah." Ah. So that's what the queen meant. 

I hear a knock at the door the same time Afrina goes and opens it. And in comes a tall woman with beautiful olive coloured skin and bright green eyes. She wears a knee length light blue dress with shoulder capped sleeves and her straight black hair in up in a tight bun. She is wearing light blue mid heel shoes and carries a small purse. She dips into a curtsy.

" Your highness, My name is Saffron and I am your lady in waiting. It is a pleasure to meet you." 

" Um, you too, I suppose," I reply. 

She laughs softly. " I think we will be great friends one day," She says.

" Alright, ladies, I think it is time to go and I will see you later, you highness," Afrina says politely. 

She curtsies and leaves.

I turn to Saffron. 

She leads me out of the door and into a huge room on the bottom floor. It's so big it's like a mansion.  And it is filled with so many wedding dresses that I can't believe how amazing this is. 

Then the bridal consultant comes walking up to me. I have never told anyone this, but when I was in high school, I had one friend. And she helped me so much. Her name was-

" Good morning ladies, My name is Sarah and I will be you bridal consultant for today. If you'll follow me, we can get started. " 

I stand there frozen to the spot. 

" Your highness?" 

" What- what is your surname?" I ask her.

She looks confused. " Um, it's Sherry. Sarah Sherry. " 

It seems there are more mysteries I need to get to the bottom of.

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