Chapter 8

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 Ok, so I might have been exaggerating a teeny tiny bit when I said I 'screamed and screamed' but honestly I was soo angry at that moment, that I just screamed until Afrina told me to be quiet or else, so yeah. 

Any way, after finding out that I have to kiss Noah I didn't actually mind, but then I found out that I have to do it in front of the ENTIRE royal family and my father, so yeah, to say I was mad is an understatement. 

I'm reallly nervous like what is it going to be like? what is everyone going to say? And to make it all worse, the twin brother has to approve. For flip's sake. Like, no pressure or anything.  Of course I'm still scared about getting married at all, and about becoming a wife and the princess of all vampires, but who can I tell? I have no one to talk to anymore. I'm all alone. Although there is Afrina, but still...

Afrina is leading me along the well lit corridor of the east wing when we stop in front of a door. And there are like, five guards standing there keeping guard. And this time I'm not exaggerating. 

" Welcome your highness," one of them says. 

" Thankyou," I reply as politely as possible, but judging by the look that one of the other ones gave me, clearly it wasn't polite enough. Then Afrina opens the door, and I walk into a room that is soo beautiful, its like my fairy godmother just came in and magiced me up the room of my dreams.  

There is a huge four poster canopy bed to one side, and then on the other side, a whole dressing table filled with all the beauty accessories, then two huge chandeliers in the middle of the room, a huge full length mirror next to the dresser, and then a walk in closet. There are countless shoes( heels only if I might add), and dresses in all shapes, sizes and colours. There are handbags and gloves, jewellery and tiaras, and night gowns and makeup. My first thought is, man these people are rich, like where have you been all my life, and my second thought is OMG!!!! I actually start squealing like a five year old and start jumping up and down, when the sound of a throat clearing breaks my mood. 

I turn and see Noah and Alex standing behind me and Afrina standing behind them, looking like she is trying not to laugh. Ugh whateves. 

" Leave us," Noah says, and everyone leaves but not before Alex gives him a look which says something like good luck, but I don't know for sure. And he looks strangely guilty. Odd.

I don't think, I just run and throw myself in Noah's arms. 

" Thankyou so much! This is like a dream to me!!!" I whisper-shout to him.

" You're quite welcome Alice," He says with a chuckle. 

Then I realise I'm still in his arms so I quietly disentangle myself but not before blushing a deep scarlet.  Shit.  Nice one Alice. 

" I need to talk to you about something, " He says, and he looks nervous. Oh dear. That is not a good sign. 

" What?" I ask. 

" You know I love you right?" He says, almost too quietly. 

" Yes....I-I love you too," I say. There is something really strange going on here. Why is he telling me this so randomly, like what the hell?

" Prove it," He says, with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

" How?" I ask.

" Kiss me," He whispers. 

Wait, what? 

"Alice, you have to do this," He says in my mind.

" What is going on Noah?" I ask him, a little desperately. 

" Kiss me," He says again, this time out loud. 

I don't get a chance to reply when he closes the distance between us and presses his lips to mine.  His lips are so soft and full and everything I thought they would be. He is kissing me so hardly and I can feel the love coming from him in the kiss, so I just kiss him back. He wraps his arms around me and presses me to him, and I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him harder. Then he breaks away and he rests his forehead against mine. We are both breathing heavily. 

Then I process what just happened. Oh god. Please tell me I'm wrong. I didn't, did I? Oh my god. I look at Noah about to question him when the door opens. 

And do you now who walks in? No you don't. Well, let me tell you. In walks the king, the queen. my flippin dad, a few nobles, and Afrina and Bilkits. And Alex.

" What the-" I start when Noah interrupts me.

" Well?" He asks to Alex.

How could Alex possibly know about our kiss unless... 

No. No. He wouldn't. Didn't. 

Alex looks at me. " I approve 100% of the kiss shared between Prince Noah and his fiancee, Princess Alice. The wedding may proceed. Congratulations. "

And then he leaves. And so do the nobles. The king smiles at me and the queen looks at me with a little sadness, like pity and my dad looks like he is over the moon.  The king and queen leave after talking to Noah. My dad says how proud of me he is, then leaves after I don't say a word to him, and then there were three. 

Noah turns to me. 

" Alice-" He begins.

" Just don't Noah, alright? Just don't. I can't believe you. My whole life has been a lie and just when I thought things could get better, you had to go behind my back and kiss me without even telling me we had an audience. How could you leave me so ignorant? Just leave, please, just go. "

And he does. Thank the lord. 

" I'd like to be alone now, Afrina," I say. 

" Are you sure, miss?" She says.

" Yes,"

" I'll see you tomorrow afternoon. I must warn you though, your morning maid will be here first thing tomorrow morning, so don't be surprised ok? Her name is Honey ok? " She nods and leaves.

" Goodnight miss." And then I'm alone. 

I just get into bed and close my eyes, hoping to escape this horror they call reality. 

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