Orange Oreos

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Airi has always been in and out of the hospital. It's been such a routine that she made it home, and even decorated the hospital room to fit it to more of her aesthetic. It had anything from kpop posters to skulls and what her mom called 'witchcraft' supplies littered as knickknacks on the bedside table.

She had stuffies of hello kitty, Rilakkuma and no face on her bed that she slept with at night. They all were given to her by her friends, which made her feel better when she saw them in such a scary place. Being in this place really made her want to go to a mental hospital instead. She had missed all of high school, only being there as a freshman, but hospitalized that following summer due to being sick once again.

That hurt her, but her friends luckily never left her. She started to think it's because she was too scary to leave, but she could accept the fact if it was true. She just wanted to get out of this damned hospital. Weak heart or not, she rather die having fun then rot away in a hospital.

"There's no strangers to love~ you know the rules and SO DO I~~" Airi starts singing at the top of her lungs, laying in the white bed and swinging her stuffed bunny around by the arms. "A full commitment is what I'm thinking of! You wouldn't get this from ANY OTHER GUY!" She sings, pointing to the stuffies as if she was serenading them like back in the 90s.

"That's promising." A voice is heard from the doorway, which makes Airi turn so quickly, the blood tubes on her arm almost flies off. Once she realizes it's her j-rock wannabe brother who's leaning cockily on the doorframe, she throws the bunny at him.

"I won't be your man Sora!!" She yells, then crossing her arms and feeling embarrassed.

Sora pretends to be wounded by the stuffed animal as he picks it up and walks back to hand it to her. "I sure hope not you're my sister. Unless you want to be A man. Then I'll support you."

"I reaaalllly hate you." Airi sighs, then turning in her bed, away from him. Her voice is muffled under the covers, "what do you want dickhead?"

"I'm going to a Halloween party and I was gonna ask if you needed anything while I'm out." He says with a cool smile.

Airi rolls her eyes but he can't see it. She knew he was just rubbing it in her face that he can go out and she can't. "No! I just hope you get hit by a bus!"

"I'm hoping that too..." Sora sighs, looking off into the distance and sighing happily.

Airi just makes a disgusted face and pretends to be asleep so they can stop their conversation.

"Your friends are gonna be there. You haven't seen them in a while huh..?" He asks with an amused chuckle, but once he hears no response, he just shrugs and walks out, "byyyyeeee Airi sleep wellll."

"Ugh that bitch.. he only comes here to gloat. He used to be a good brother what happened?" She sits up and crosses her arms again, her blue and pink piggie tails bouncing up.

"And my friends.." her face softens up. "He's right.. they haven't talked to me in so long... maybe.. they have left me." Airi sighs and lays back on the hospital bed, pushing the plushies off and onto the cold floor.

Status update from AiriMonster: I don't want to live like this anymore.

She fell asleep then, hoping she wouldn't wake up again.

It was the middle of the night when Airi woke up do to hunger. She literally could only eat vegan foods from the hospital cafeteria that were better for her heart, but she was sick of it. She wanted some real meat or some real sugar.

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