White Walls

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The long hallways of walls coated in white. The purest color, the color of innocence, but holding nothing but inside. Something dark and contaminated. Contaminated by the outside particles.

That once glass mind that was easy to see into was now coated with white to cover up the darkness underneath it. The eyes as the windows to the soul, but the eyes are dim and bloody to see in.

Blood disinfects the white walls, covers it in dismay, in anguish. Stains it to where it is like that in the later years. Shined under a black light to see that it's still there. That same stained brain that was dead from the beginning.

Happy times seem to fade away into the blackness of the night when it comes to an end. Like the end of movie credits. Everything ends.. in black. Darkness.

Those same hallways are dark at night when the lights are all turned off, but the scariest things are the things we see in the light. Paranoia appears at night to imagine red eyes in the corner of the room, but in the light, it's really there with glowing fire in its eyes. Something you can't escape. No one can escape the depths of their mind.

Anyone can dream up a nightmare but when you see them in the light is when they are no longer a dream. That never ending hallway that you walk down time after time. Like an endless dream just waiting to be awoken. A happier dream could be scarier when you wake up.

To find it not there is scarier than to see the ghosts in the nightmares.

The girl screams as she wakes up from the dream. She is caught in an endless loop. Of men in white lab coats, women in white dresses, and people with dark auras.

White padded walls, same as the white coated halls.. but it really is a madhouse.

"Is she still making people up?" A familiar voice asks from behind a closed door.

"Yes.. it's gotten worse. She sees no one else.. she won't come back to the surface even for a few minutes. I'm scared for her.. this has been going on for years. Like she's gone but right here." Another familiar voice answers.

They're talking about me.

They're talking about me.

I'm that girl.

I scream as my eyelids burst open, and my feet lead me to the white door from the padded floor.

The familiar voices merge into faces. But I can't reach them. They're on the other side.

"Sora!! I'm okay! Tell him I'm okay! I want to go home!" I scream at him, grabbing his attention. Sora turns to me with a sorry look on his face. Of pure sadness.

I then realize where I am as I look around the unfamiliar room. It's just white, as well as my clothes, and my hair is black like it was when I was a child..

"W-WHERE'S MY FRIENDS?!" I yell, hoping Sora will understand me. He just shakes his head and continues talking to the doctor. "See..?"

The doctor turns to me, his eyes deep and beautiful like a starry sky. "D.... Donghyun?!" I scream, banging on the door. I thrash the door and slam on it, hoping I could get to him. "LET ME OUT!!!" I scream even louder, just watching them look at me like I'm some kind of show.

Screams of anguish, hallucinations became reality, leaving your own body like a ghost, not being understood.

All in these four walls. These four white walls intoxicated with poison.

I'm mad, but you're all mad too. And that's why we all get along.

The only ones that understood.

We're all crazy. Together.

Because no one understands. They all have poison on their tongues, ready to spit venom on anyone who steps out of line, who dares to wear black, who's mind is a little corrupted with errors.

And that man in the white lab coat who smiles slightly at me.

That's the only one who won't let go.

Don't let go.

Even if it's dangerous.

Even if the poison leaks into the building and all the walls turn black. Till the end credits flash in front of cloudy eyes.

Then we finally are who we really are. Shined in the light.

Was it all a lie..?

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