Llamas With Hats

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Paul- Carl! I know you've done something

Carl- Whatever do you mean?

Paul- You've always done something. It's a lovely day out, we're having a good time. What have you done?

Carl- You mistake me for some sort of scoundrel.

Paul- Carl!

Carl- I am a respected member of the community... to even insinuate__

Paul- Ok Carl, so what did you do today?

Carl- Well let's see, I washed the car.

Paul- Uhuh

Carl- I made a donation to the local girl scout troop

Paul- Sure

Carl- I returned an overdue movie at Blockbuster

Paul- What else?

Carl- Hmmm, I stepped on a ladybug by accident.

Paul- Go on.

Carl- And... I baked some banana bread for our neighbor Pat. I believe that's it. Done.

Paul- That's it...

Carl- That's all I did today... Ohhhhhh

Paul- Carl! What is that?

Carl- I may have forgot to mention one of my activities.

Paul- Carl!

Carl- I apologize, that was wrong.

Paul- Explain Carl!

Carl- Well from here it looks like a weather balloon.

Paul- I'm not in the mood for this.

Carl- I think it's just a lens flare and some dust.

Paul- Just tell me Carl.

Carl- Fine, I may have created a crack in space time. Through which to collect millions of baby hands.

Paul- Huh.

Carl- What do you mean huh?

Paul- I think I was expecting worse.

Carl- Worse? But this is totally fugged bro.

Paul- I know but after last time with the nuke and the faces, it's just...

Carl- Come on, look at this. How did I even do this?

Paul- I don't understand how or why you do anything.

Carl- Do you know what it feels like to be Carl right now? It hurts. Not as much as the babies but it hurts.

Paul- Awww Carl.

Carl- What?

Paul- Why are there only hands from white babies?

Carl- Well, you know, whities gotta pay.

Paul- Ah

Carl- And the payment is baby hands.

"Man I love that show." DuYi says, laughing up a storm as he watches it next to Moonsoo.

Donghyun comes in and shakes his head at them, "Come on DuYi! You shouldn't be showing this stuff to Moonsoo or he'll get ideas!"

DuYi slowly turns to Donghyun like a kid who just got in trouble, "but.... we already tried this morning.." he says while looking over at Moonsoo who is stirring his tea with a dismembered hand.

"God dammit!"

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