Just Peachy

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"What can we do I'm bored as hell." DuYi says as he lays on the floor of the living room.

"Let's go to the beach!" LiLing suggests, clapping happily.

"That's a shit idea. It's too cold." He responds.

"Why don't we just go to target..? Like in the old days." Donghyun suggests, feeling bored too. It was now 5pm in the afternoon, and they woke up only an hour ago.

"That sounds fun. But we were banned from the one in Seoul.." Airi points out.

"So this is Busan.. oh well." Donghyun shrugs, getting up. Before he could get out the door, Moonsoo snatches his keys and speed walks out of the house, "I'll drive." He mutters.

Everyone looks at each other in horror, but decide not to tell him anything as the get into the car.

"Everyone strapped in?" Donghyun said as he looks back from the passenger seat.

"Yeah...." they all mutter slowly.

Donghyun nods and takes a deep breath. They've never had Moonsoo drive before.. but they get scared on his intentions for anything.

Moonsoo suddenly stepped on the gas, making the car pull forwards before crashing his foot on the break, making the car snap backwards.

"What the fuck!" ChuanLi screamed as he massaged his neck- which had almost snapped from the impact.

Moonsoo flashed an evil look into the mirror, causing ChuanLi to almost drop dead immediately. He's still scared of him.

"Oh god no, we're gonna die.." Haeeun groaned while sinking into her chair.

"MOONSOO STOP!" Donghyun yelled as Moonsoo went right through the stop sign, nearly avoiding a girl walking her dog.

"5 points." Is all Moonsoo mutters, as if he was playing a mental game on how many people he can run over. Donghyun was honestly mostly scared about his car crashing. It didn't help that Moonsoo was looking at his phone while driving.

"I'm gonna die tonight." DuYi mummers.

"Shut up you'll be fine, aren't you like best friends with Satan?" ChuanLi asks from the backseat behind him.

"What? You really are..?" Airi asks from next to him.

"That's a story for another time." DuYi said in monotone before sinking away from view.

"I swear to goD DUYI IF YOU BROUGHT A DEMON INTO MY HOUSE I WILL-" Donghyun starts until he sees what was happening in front of him.





"Will you all shut up?! You guys are all stressing me out with your screaming!" ChuanLi yells, holding his ears.

At that moment, Moonsoo turns around to him, giving him a blank death glare while still driving onto a sidewalk.



After narrowly (and I mean narrowly ) avoiding being hit by a truck, the car made it to the target without any injuries, other than sore necks from whiplash. ChuanLi got out first thanking God that he got out in one piece, but didn't stop to have a mental breakdown in the parking lot. Moonsoo was unphased at all, "50 points." He stated while swinging the keys on his finger. Donghyun took it from him quickly, petting them like it was his child. "Moonsoo! You better hose the pigeon off the wheels!" Donghyun says as they walk inside.

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