Closet Of Skeletons

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DuYi looked uncomfortable as he wrapped his arms around his legs. Everyone's eyes were on him and he couldn't stand it. "I choose dare.." he says not wanting to answer that question that would be easy for most. He hoped that the dare wouldn't be as embarrassing as the truth.. but he was dead wrong.

Jinsu pulled out a black card and looked at it, "ooooh." He coos. "Kiss the person on your left."

DuYi's blood ran cold as everyone gasps. He was dead fucking wrong.

"Oh my god!! I have to kiss DuYi?!" ChuanLi yells, backing away from him. Haeeun facepalms and smacks him on the arm, "no you idiot! You're on his right! Now shut up you're dead!"

ChuanLi sighs with relief before contorting, "So are you and DuYi!"

"So you have to kiss Moonsoo~" Jinsu smiles, the group oohing. Airi worriedly looks over at DuYi who looks like he's going to have a panic attack right there. This can't end well.

"I'll take the dare for him~! It's taking too long!" The barista impatiently says with a huff, just trying her absolute best to get with Moonsoo, even clinging to his arm.

DuYi shakes his head, trying to control his breathing as he looks over at Moonsoo. Moonsoo was looking right back, his face looked calm, but DuYi could've sworn he saw a hint of something in his eyes.

DuYi slowly turned his body around, his face red and hazy. Maybe from the alcohol or the adrenaline. Moonsoo watches him closely, not believing he would actually do it. He was confused, very confused but he didn't show it.

DuYi moves painfully slow, the entire room tense but quiet. DuYi has never kissed anyone before let alone his best friend so he felt awkward. He kept his eyes open up until the time he was just an inch away. He accidentally bumped noses with him, but he didn't notice, it all felt like a blur.

After what seemed like forever, DuYi placed his lips on Moonsoo's soft ones, earning a gasp from everyone in the group. DuYi closed his eyes and kept the kiss lingering there, Moonsoo didn't make a move to break it either. But someone did. The barista had enough and reached over to literally rip them off of each other. "Enough! This is disgusting!" She yells as DuYi falls back. He felt embarrassed, sad, angry, stupid, guilty all at once. He just froze with his hand over his mouth and tears in his eyes.

He never cried in front of his friends, or anyone really, until now. The tears started falling from his eyes as he looked at Moonsoo, who seemed to have no expression at all, per usual. Like it meant nothing.

DuYi then got up as his body shook, running up the stairs quickly before he started having a breakdown. The group was all silent, not understanding what happened.

"I should... go talk to him." Airi says, about to get up. Donghyun places his hand on hers though, and stops her. "Let Moonsoo do something if he wants to." He says softly. "Don't get too worked up or you'll get sick." Airi nods even though she's worried, knowing it's true. If she panics or feels stress, her heart will hurt. Donghyun always had a way with calming down her worries, and Jinsu finally noticed it from beside her.

After a few moments, Jinsu decided to stop playing the game and turn the music back on. Everyone follows his lead and starts dancing and talking again. They all mind their own business until Donghyun is suddenly poked in his side. He looks around everywhere but can't see one of the suspects at all. "I died!" He said looking at Airi. He then spots LiLing in the corner, drinking soju. "It has to be you! You're the murderer!" He says appointing an accusing finger.

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