Trick Or Dare

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"Trick or treat!" They all yell in unison to an annoyed man who has a party going inside of his house. "Aren't you guys too old.. I'm not giving you can-"

"But you should." Haeeun winks at him. He spots her and instantly melts. "Eheheheheheh kay!" He giggles then going in and dumping the bowl of candy into everyone's bags. They all looked at Haeeun, thanking her for wearing that mentally, because nobody wants to give them candy.

"So.. hehe.. wanna join the party little lady-" he starts speaking, almost like he's suddenly drunk. Haeeun approaches the door, making him think she is about to walk in, but she just slams his own door in his face. "Next!"

"This is amazing! So much candy!" ChuanLi squeals, looking at the bucket in delight as they walked to the next one.

"Be careful sweetie. Kids shouldn't eat that much candy." The old lady who opened the door said to ChuanLi as she put only one candy in there. The group snickers, trying so hard not to bust out laughing.

ChuanLi's face got super red, "I'm 18!!!!" He screams, then stomping off.

The rest of the houses were uneventful. One lady tried to steal Donghyun, a man with a knife answered the door but Moonsoo pulled out his too so the man got scared and shut the door, DuYi bit people, and a dog chased LiLing. They were done with the trick or treating thing since no one else would give them candy. So they decided to pull the eggs and toilet paper out for those houses.

"Okay. Let's do this thing!" Haeeun yells, running up to a house and throwing toilet paper onto the tree. "That's for not giving me candy and telling me I look like a hoe."

ChuanLi throws an egg but it ends up landing on his shoe do to his luck. "Dammit!"

Moonsoo and DuYi are like experts however, throwing eggs like crazy into the brick house.

"This is fun!" Airi cheers, throwing an egg at the foor which just happens to open at moment, revealing the old grouchy woman. The egg hits her in her neck and she stumbles back, "hot fire damn!" She swears, scowling at the kids. "Come here son!!" She yells into the house.

"Oooh look she's getting her son were soooo afraid~" Haeeun says sarcastically, throwing more eggs at the house. They were all laughing until they saw him. A tall 6'4 cop.

"OMG HER SON IS A COP!!!" Airi screams. "Runnnn!!!!" Donghyun calls, running back to the car. Moonsoo couldn't help but throw one last egg at them which landed on the cop's nose. "COME BACK HERE HOOLIGANS YOURE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" He screams, his face a dark crimson red.

"IM NOT GOING BACK!" Haeeun yells jumping into the car.

At that moment a girl walks out stopping the cop by the arm. "Father.. what's going on here?" She asks, her face innocent and soft. Definitely the prettiest out of that family. That makes Haeeun stick her head out of the window. "Dang you fine! How you doin?" She calls out the window, making kissy faces. That's the last straw for the police who was now running towards the car at lightening speed. Donghyun then slams his foot on the gas, Haeeun still had her head out of the window however. "Sir! Is she single? I want that girl to be my bride!"

After he ran after them for about 3 blocks, and swearing at Haeeun, he finally got tired and lost them. They decided that it's best that they just go home at that point.

"That was lit." Haeeun says as she opens the door to Donghyun's house. "Please just stop." ChuanLi groans, looking down at his shoe and running to the kitchen to clean the egg off.

"That was awesome!" Airi says happily. "Why do we always get in trouble with the police?" Donghyun sighs. "I dunno." Airi shrugs, then spreading her candy all over the floor. Haeeun helped herself to the soju in the fridge and brought that out too, and Donghyun called for pizza.

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