Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Declan and I found ourselves behind another building, hiding out from the Red Coats while also being in plain sight to any that returned from the woods.

"We need to get out of the streets," Declan said next to me, looking over me at the busy street.

My mind wanders, trying to find a place to hide. With Grace married to Chesterfield, he's sure to look there first, meaning that place was out of the question. There wasn't anyone else we could trust here, no one.

Then, a place came to mind, bringing itself out of the depth of my memories and back into the light to reveal itself once again.

"I know a place. Come on," I said, moving away from the building and into the small bit of woods.

Declan doesn't ask where we're going or even make a chirp as we quickly but quietly make our way further in. My mind wonders if Declan remembers this rout as well. We took it enough times.

A small cabin comes into view, seeming to only be big enough for a medium size room and small one. The medium size room held odd and end items along with an old cot. The small room held a small bathroom. We had figured the place was used for guards that needed a break.

How did I know about it?

Declan and I used to come to this cabin all the time, before we were married. Before we were even together. After we met, and my sister made it very clear that we weren't allowed to stay at the Ale House, Declan and I needed a new place to hide out.

This cabin seemed to be the best place. The thrill that someone could walk in on us at any moment seemed to overtake us.

Though we only went to this cabin no longer then a couple of weeks, it still held our memories. The first time we kissed or slept together. The first time I said that I thought I loved him.

I'm pulled back into reality when my head pokes itself up into the window, my body seeming to have its own mind.

"It's clear," I comment and turn the corner to head inside. Declan follows me as the door closes behind us, leaving the room only half lit thanks to the one window.

The place is broken down and dusty, meaning the building hasn't been used in years. But that doesn't mean it's out of view.

Declan's head looks around at everything here while my feet start to pace me. My hand plays with my necklace as I pace, my eyes drifting from the ground to Declan over and over.

"Maybe we can sneak over the wall."

"Not unless you've got a 15-foot ladder in here," Declan mumbles as he picks up an old cup.

My pacing stops and I lightly glare at Declan, "You're not helping."

Declan sets down the cup and sighs, both of us realizing how trapped we really are. A year ago, even a few months ago, this would be nothing for us to get out of. But Declan was trying not to kill everyone in sight and I had other things to think about.

At the realization that it's been over a week since Grace told me I'm pregnant and I still haven't said anything to Declan, my legs give out and set me in a chair. My head immediately looks down at my hands, my voice sounding almost sad.

"This wasn't how things were supposed to go. None of this was. It was supposed to be clean and simple. Get the furs, get out. But once again, we're dealt a whole deck of shity cards."

I can feel Declan's eyes on me. My ears pick up on his heavy footsteps as they make their way over to me, kneeling down in front and putting a hand to my cheek. My eyes look at him as he talks, "Hey, we'll get out of here."

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