Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


James Bay, a beautiful set of water, unless you're being held captive on it. Somehow, I found myself on deck, my back leaning against a tall pole while my butt sat on some boxes.

Grace found herself next to me, afraid to leave me in case something would happen.

My mind hasn't stopped thinking about what could happen, what will happen. Will I be killed by Benton's hand, not realizing that he had also killed our unborn child? Will Declan make it in time to save me before Benton does something stupid?

Well, stupider then what he's doing right now.

The sound of footsteps walking towards Grace and I made my head look up from my chained hands. As Benton promised, Grace would be a guest, able to walk around deck. While I would be a prisoner, locked in chains until someone unlocked them.

Chaulk, Benton's lower companion who tried to tick the crew into thinking she is a boy, make her way up to us.

"I'd eat if I was you, or Benton'll force it down your throat," Chaulk nodded to my plate of food in front of me.

Grace had given me her food after I voiced my thoughts that he could have poisoned mine. Unlike anyone else on this ship, Grace knew that there was a person growing in my womb, meaning she wasn't going to let anything happen to me.

If she can help it.

"I suppose I'll need my strength if I'm to kill such an ugly man," I said with a vicious smirk, causing Chaulk to look at me with fright in her eyes. I can only imagine the things Benton has told her about me.

Grace eyes me, "Anna," She says, not wanting my words to be too much and have everything that we worked so hard to save be thrown overboard. Grace looked back at Chaulk, "You don't need to fear us."

Scuffing and looking away, I mumble, "Speak for yourself." My eyes, a full minute later, return to Chaulk, "I'll admit, you had me fooled at first. But your laugh, your laugh is what did it. Tell me, does everyone know that you're a boy and is just shoving their heads in the sand? Or is it a secret?" I asked, leaning forward slightly.

Chaulk looks just as scared as before, only now her nerves have kicked in.

I can't help but smirk and look off as I lean back, "I'm guessing number two." With those words as my last towards Chaulk, she stood and walked away, her feet move in quick in hopes of creating as much distance between us as possible.

"Why did you do that?" Grace quickly asked once the young girl like boy had stepped away.

My head snapped in her direction, slightly angry by her question. "Because I'm not here to make friends. And if it wasn't for this baby inside of me and the temperature so damn cold, I'd jump in the water right now and swim my way back to Fort James." My voice softens some and my hands lift up the chains wrapped around them, "Remember, yours a guest. I'm a prisoner."

The rest of the boat ride was filled with me getting sea sick, Benton making comments that usually would end with me winning and him walking away in anger, and Declan.

I could only imagine the hell thoughts that are going through his mind right now. He's doing everything he can to get to us, killing anyone he can find that doesn't have answers. And all I can do is sit here and wait, the thing I hate the most.

My eyes closed while my head leaned back against the pole, my mind recalling the last encounterment I had with Declan.

"Neither of us get out alive if I don't put this dog down. And I can't do it with you by my side, Anna." I stare at him, my fear rising again. Though he's right, I want nothing more for him not to be.

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