Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


Here I was, ready to start my plan and get my wife and unborn child back. Right in front of us was the castle, the castle where Benton had to be in. McTaggart, Chaulk, Angus, and Barclay were with me, ducking behind the large hill that sat near it.

My eyes scanned the castle walls, finding no guards or soldiers. It was soulless. "There's not a soul on the wall. This place looks deserted."

"Scotland's lousy with castles, could be the wrong one," McTaggart shrugged next to me.

Chaulk shook her head and looked at me, "I know what I heard. Benton's here."

A sigh left my lips, my gut was telling me this was the place but the evidence was unclear. My head turned to Barclay, my voice quick to speak, "Let's get your men ready."

Barclay put his hands up, shaking his head, "Easy, Harp. I need to know a bit more about what we're facing. There could be a fuckin' 1,000 men in there for all we know."

"If what the girl says is true, there'll be a dozen men on hand," I said, nodding behind me at Chaulk. She couldn't be trusted, that was for sure, but she was the only person that could point this place out. If it's a trap, we'll just have to be ready for it.

Sighing, Barclay continued, "Still, I'd feel a bit better if we could have a wee peek inside."

Chaulk spoke up behind me, her voice making my blood boil. Even if she proves that she's not back stabbing us, I still might just punch her. "Benton doesn't know you're here, Harp. We might not get another chance with Miss. Anna."

She was right, sadly.

McTaggart stood up, annoyed, "Oh, for... I'll go scout it myself." He moved away from us, only for Barclay's hand to reach up and grab his arm, stopping him. "I'd sooner send someone I can trust. Angus?"

Angus nodded, staying low and moving quickly as he made his way towards the castle. His hands are practically on the wall as he moves along the side of it.

"Angus wait!" Chaulk yells next to me, making me look up. Soldiers have now popped up at the tops, aiming and shooting their guns at him. Angus quickly turns, running back only to get shot and stumble his way down. "No!" Chaulk yells, sadness written in it.

A growl leaves my lips, causing Chaulk to look over at me. She looks at me with fear, her scream leaving her lips as her feet rush her away from me. I follow just as quickly, catching up with her and slamming my fist down on her. It knocks her out, letting me throw her over my shoulder angrily and head back to the group.

I knew it! I knew we couldn't trust her! For all we know, she could have been lying about Benton this whole time. What if she's not here? What if we're chasing a ghost?

Shaking the thoughts away from my head, not letting it think those things, I motioned for everyone to move out.

This was a trick, meaning we had to come up with something different. Or, at least I had too.

We found ourselves back at the bar, Angus getting patched up, while Chaulk sat nervously at one of the tables.

"I was waiting in the marketplace, like Te Rangi said. But then, a Redcoat came, and he held me up, and he took me to Benton. He said he was gonna kill Miss. Anna if I didn't do what he said. I was just trying to help her. I'm really sorry."

Barclay stood near her, nodding towards Angus, "You try and tell that to him. He's full of holes because of you."

"Well, I did try and warn him. Benton said he only wanted Harp. I didn't know what to do," Chaulk said, her voice getting slightly higher, pissing me off even more.

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