(Logan X Reader) Bullied.

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I clasped my cold hands together, rubbing them together as I blew on them, trying to keep warm.

"Winter has to have its downsides.." I mumbled to myself silently, fiddling with my thumbs.

Walking to school was treacherous, but at least Ivy wasn't there to properly prove my point. Let me describe her... Bold, rude, and plain out cocky defines her in many ways. She is the leader of this sort of, uhm, 'gang' I suppose. Being in high school, I would expect to be bullied, but not at this extent.. Every single chance she gets, it's like she pushes herself to be her worst! Only for me!

Ivy is always wearing something dark, including a short sleeved jean jacket, a black v-neck, black leggings, and comfy, black runners. She has her long black hair down all the time, too! Now that I think about it, even her eyes look partially gray..

Just like the klutz I am, I tripped, scraping my hands on the sidewalk. I squeaked. Is it just me, or is there giggling in the distance?..

"E-enough distractions..," I started, wiping a tiny bit of blood off my hands with some snow. "I'll be late!!" I screeched, realizing what time it was.

There was a faint voice in the distance. It sounded calm, but also strained at the same time. It sounded like a female.. Without thinking, I ran.

. . . . . .

Bang. My body was slammed into the lockers by one of Ivy's friends, a smirk on their face.

"Samantha..?" I scanned her twice, looking at the cold glare in her eyes. "Why are you doing this..?" I croaked, my voice cracking.

She held my chin with her cold hands, forcing me to look at her. "I hope you remember me for the rest of your life," she scowled, gritting her teeth. Her voice sounded different. "Some friend you were. I can't depend on you or anyone for anything! You're useless, (Y/N). A complete waste of everyone's time."

I gulped. Say something, anything, damn it! Don't do this. I'm sorry. You're right. But I couldn't say anything, not that I had the time to. The moment this all sank in, Ivy shoved me into a small locker and locked me in.

The group's giggles faded as they walked away from me, like they didn't care.

My knuckles were white as I banged on the locker with my fist. I have claustrophobia, and this tiny space isn't helping any. Tears threatened to spill and I kept pounding on the locker door. It's hopeless. Heart beating a mile a minute, eyes watering more and more every second that ticks by on the stupid clock. I felt devastated.

But... Click. The door unlocked and it swung open with a squeak. Before I could hold my hands up in defence, I realized it wasn't Ivy, Samantha, or the rest of their gang. No, not at all.

He pushed up his black glasses. He had almond brown eyes that would melt your heart, brown hair dyed a light purple, and he was wearing navy blue looking jeans and a black short sleeved shirt.

Bruises covered his arms.

"Are you alright?" he asked me, a frightened strain in his voice.

Seconds later, I answered. "Um.. Uh, I think so..." I climbed out of the locker.

Oh right, I've never told you before about him.. Mostly because I'm kind of embarrassed that I have a crush.. But we all have crushes at some point, right?

I sighed. "Thank you, Logan."

He nodded a 'you're welcome.' "Can I help you?" he asked me.

Why did he ask? And why does he have bruises on his arms? My head was spinning with questions. Is he alright? How can I help? Can he really help me? ...Maybe not. Let's not jump the gun here.

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