Chapter 1

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"Felix! Wake up!" Nayeon yelled up the stairs at him.

"Don't get your hair in a twist! I'm up!" He yelled down at her. "Also you're going to wake up mom. Be quiet!"

"It's the only way to get your lazy butt out of bed! Now I have to get to school early today. I'm meeting Jeongyeon."

"Have fun at Hell."

"Yeah. Yeah. Now get ready before mom wakes up! See you later." Nayeon goes to school and leaves Felix to himself. He gets up and gets into the shower. Nervousness succumbs Felix, today are football tryouts. Felix has always made top spot every year. All the girls adore him and he has managed to become popular at school. Now Felix would never have imagined this for himself. He never really thought he was made to be popular. He always preferred dancing over sports. Or going to the studio to rap instead of going to parties. But now Felix has a reputation to uphold as 'most popular guy in school' He wishes he was more normal, that he could tell his girlfriend, Chaeyoung, about his habits. But sadly the only ones who know are his sister and friends. As he gets dressed he checks the clock. "Holy shit i'm running late." He runs down stairs, grabs a cup of coffee from the pot Nayeon left and starts to gather his things. His Mom comes out to see him flailing a hot cup of coffee in his hands, trying to put on a sock and his backpack at the same time.

"Hey Lix? You need help?"

"No i'm fine Mom. Thank you though." He smiles at her and runs out the door tripping and stumbling trying to run while carrying everything. Felix starts to finally get his thing together and joins up with his best friend, Seungmin, to walk to school.

"Hey Lix! You doing okay?"

"Yeah just struggling. I took too much time getting ready this morning." Felix explained.

"Oh yeah. Football tryouts are today. You nervous?" Seungmin asks.

Yes. "Nah not really. I have been practicing and getting into shape. I can do it." Felix says, trying to douse himself in confidence. The pair walk up to the school and walk in. They start to spread out towards their classes. Felix says goodbye to Seungmin and walks up to his locker. He puts in the combination and it doesn't open.

"Damn this!" Felix spits in English at his locker.

"Whoa calm down!" A voice responds. Chan walks over and slams open the locker with a forceful pull

"Thanks man. Where's Woojin and Minho?" Felix asks.

"They went to class already. Tried to convince them to stay but Woojin needed to study for a test and he dragged Minho along, despite his objections."

"Well at least Minho won't have to stay for long. Classes start in 5 minutes. Well see you later Mate, gotta find Chaeyoung."

"See you later." Felix walks around to see Chaeyoung talking with her friends.

"Momo, Mina, and Sana! Long time no see! And always how you doing Chaeng?" He says putting his arm around her.

"Well I'm getting my stuff for class. Wait, your class is across school. Leave now or you'll be late!" Chaeyoung says while pushing him off to class.

"I'll be fine. Just wanted to say hi before school started. See you later." He kissed her on the forehead and caught up with Seungmin who was hurrying to their class. They slipped in to their seats as the bell rang, making sure to find two seats next to each other as the professor starts the lesson.

"Alright class!" Ms. Lee starts. "Since I have been lenient with the seating so far, but still some of you continue to disrupt my teaching, I am choosing seats." Groans of frustration and disappointment erupt across the classroom.

"Now now. Don't get too upset. To be nice I kept the seats fairly close to what they were. I just moved around some people who were causing problems." The class seemed satisfied. "Alright Table 1, Tzuyu and Mina. Table 2, Dowoon and Jae." Felix seemed to zone out until he heard his name. "Table 8, Seungmin and Felix. Table 9, Changbin and Hyunjin." She drones on until everyone was seated at a table. Felix and Seungmin hurried over to their table. Seungmin leans his head against the wall and tries to relax.

"Why aren't these stools comfortable?" Seungmin sarcastically complains.

"So you don't fall asleep in my class." Ms.Lee says jokingly, staring at Seungmin who is now alert. He chuckles sheepishly and sits up.

"Anyway. You will have to submit a project with your seat partner about the topic I am going to hand you." Ms.Lee hands every group a pink packet with a different chemistry topic on it. Seungmin and Felix make plans to work on it throughout the quarter. The bell rings and all of the student file out of the classroom. Felix walks up to Ms.Lee.

"Bye Ms.Lee see you tomorrow!"

"Felix, you can call me Chaerin! I told you all that at the beginning of the year."

"I know, I just somehow feel like i'm disrespecting you."

"Ok, then call me CL."

"Okay! Bye Ms.CL!" Felix waves as he leaves the class. She smiles and shakes her head playfully.

The Dark Haired Boy // changlixWhere stories live. Discover now