Chapter 9

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"Hi" Felix squeaks.

"You look either really sad or really happy... You okay?" Changbin asks.

"Well I am really stressed, but I don't feel like worrying more people with my problems." He explains. "Anyway let's get working and we can finish it up later." Felix grabs his things from his bag and the two start to work. About three minutes later, Seungmin arrives.

"Mr. Kim." CL yells at him. "And why are you late?" She inquires.

"Sorry I o-overslept." Seungmin lies. He slides into his seat next to Hyunjin and Felix peeps his head over to their table.

"Alright, tell me what you were doing and why you lied." Felix interrogates.

"Ask your insane girlfriend. She was the one who made me late. She kept asking me where you were and why you ignored her. But then she gave herself answers to her own questions and started laughing like a maniac. It's probably a good thing you avoided her or else you would probably be dead right now." Seungmin explains.

"Okay, now I feel bad because I made her go insane!" Felix collapses in his seat. "I'm the worst person ever!" Felix cries. Changbin gives him pat on the back.

"Mr. Lee and Mr. Seo! I don't see work being done!" CL yells.

"Sorry." They respond. Felix starts separating duties in an orderly fashion. He always liked to be fairly organized. They work on whatever Felix had assigned them. Class seemed to fly by. They were fairly focused during class. Felix needed anything to get his mind off of Chaeyoung. Work had become easy with all the preparation they had done throughout the week. Class started to wrap up and Felix shoves everything in his bag.

"See you later!" Felix says, waving goodbye to Changbin. The rest of Felix's day went by like an unreal blur. A few times he heard an, "Are you okay?" from one of his friends, but they knew to leave him be for the most part. Felix goes through the rest of the school day with a concealing smile on his face and his hood drooping low to cover up the humongous bags that have erupted from his night of no sleep. His teachers were fairly unaware of Felix's attention being on anything but the lesson on the board. Until he got to math class. He had this class only with Jeongin, who was sitting next to him. Jeongin was actually taking down the notes, while Felix stared out the large windows which looked out onto the large empty hallways. Felix starts to drift off. He feels a rapid tapping on his shoulder.

"Feeeellllliiixxxxx!!!" Jeongin whispers with a concerned look. He had tried waking Felix up before Ms. Kim had yelled at him. Too late.

"Mr. Lee!" Ms. Kim yells. Here we go... "I see my teaching is interrupting your daydreaming. Why don't you see me after class? Also take your hood off. We are indoors." She snaps. He pulls his hood down exposing his messy brown hair and obvious tired eyes. Everyone's eyes retreated off Felix and back on the lesson. The class ends and everyone files out. Jeongin waits for Felix outside.

"Mr. Lee." She starts. "Care to explain why you are failing to pay attention in my class."

"I didn't really get much sleep last night." He explains. He gives off a small laugh, that has no hints of humor in it.

"Let me guess. 'I had too much homework' or maybe it was 'I was too stressed to sleep' or one time I even heard an 'I accidentally burned my homework and spent all night re-doing it.' Not even joking. So which one of these is your excuse, Mr. Lee?" She asks. She doesn't seem amused.

"None of those. Sorry, I wont do it again." He says.

"Next time this happens i'm contacting your mom. Now scurry along. Jeongin seems to be waiting for you. Maybe you can ask him for the notes you missed." She suggests. She gives him a bitter smile.

"See you Monday Ms. Kim!" He says. He walks out of the classroom and exhales.

"She terrifies me." He says

"She seems to like me." Jeongin says

"Everyone likes you , Jeongin. You're too adorable to hate." Felix says. Jeongin beams.

"Thank you Felix. Well I gotta go. Jisung hyung is waiting for me. Seems like Changbin hyung is waiting for you too." Jeongin points to Changbin who is leaning against Felix's locker.

"Bye Jeongin. See you later." He says.

"Bye hyung!!!!" He says skipping away. Felix shakes his head while chuckling. He walks over to the rather aloof Chanbin hanging on his locker.

"Wow looking so cool there." Felix laughs

"Haha. Now let's get out of here. I want to start on the project!" Changbin says pulling Felix out of the campus. Changbin starts dragging Felix down the sidewalk.



"We're going the wrong way."

"I knew that." Changbin turns around a grabs felix's wrist again pulling him the opposite direction. They walk like this in silence until Felix speaks up.

"Make a right."

"Got it." They walk down the street to Felix's house. Chanbin stops and amires the quaint white two story house with the cute blue porch and flowers on the window sills.

"Your house is so cute. I love the little purple flowers on all the window sills."

"My mom loves flowers."

"I can see that." The pair walk into the house. Felix walks in and sets his things down next to the table. Changbin smiles.

"It's so pink. It's cute"

"Oh yeah. I guess I never thought anything about it. It's hard not to think girly things are normal when your always surrounded by girls all the time." Felix smiles. "In fact, I think you first guy in this house in like three months." Changbin looks so surprised. "I mean Nayeon sure doesn't have boys over. And when Seungmin and I hang out its usually at his house. And we don't do group things at my house because its too small, so yeah." Changbin seems astonished.

"Well it's an honor to be the only other male in this house in quite a while." Chanbin says in a silly accent. Felix giggles.

"Ok, we should work." 

The Dark Haired Boy // changlixWhere stories live. Discover now