Chapter 4

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Felix wakes up to a jabbing in his ribs and a yelling voice in his ear.


"You probably just did with your yelling!" Felix retorts getting up to go take a shower.

"Oh I'm Felix. I'm so smart. Look at my charming smile. Hahaheehee." Nayeon mocks under her breath walking down the hall to her room. Felix takes a shower and grabs his clothes to get dressed. He gathers his things for school and goes down stairs to see his mom and Nayeon grabbing coffee.

"Mom! You're up early. May I ask what brought this sudden awakening?" Felix bats his eyes and looks at Nayeon who is giving him dirty looks.

"Oh Nayeon accidentally woke me up." She says sweetly. Felix seems content.

"It's because Felix can't set a freaking alarm!" Nayeon yells

"I don't wake up to those. You think I'd rather have miss noisy™ yelling in my ear every morning?" Felix and Nayeon yell until their mom breaks them up.

"Children! It is too early for this. Grab your coffee and breakfast and go. Nayeon, go pick up Jeongyeon. Felix, Seungmin is probably waiting for you. Go." She says calmly. The two shut up and walk out the door. Felix meets up with Seungmin and the two walk to school. Felix is quiet today. He doesn't know why he is. When the two arrive at school, Felix sees a cluster of kids. Tryouts! I forgot! Felix closed his eyes and walks up to the board. Hanging in the middle was a flyer titled "Football team positions." He scanned down the positions until he reached quarterback. He traced his finger over to the name. "Lee Felix" His heart stopped. He breathed in and almost had a heart attack.


"Yeah, why are you surprised?" Seungmin asks.

"I thought I blew it. Wait who's team captain?" Felix scanned down the list to captain. He closed his eyes and traced his finger over. He opened them up.

"TBD? To Be Decided? COME ON!" Felix yelled. Before his classes started, the coach pulled him aside.

"Felix. You need to keep your head in the game. The reason I didn't give up the captains spot was because i want to give it to you. But not until I see more determination and involvement. Now go to class." He said and shooed Felix out of his office.Felix walked out and sees Chaeyoung barreling towards him.

"Hi!" She says catching her breath. "I saw the sheet for tryouts! You made it Lix!" She says excitedly.

"Yeah I did. Chaeng, you need to go to class. my class is close, yours is way far across the school!" He says.

"I can make it. I'm not a track star for nothing. She winks and sprints in the other direction. Felix walks over to his class and slips into his seat with Seungmin.

"Hey Seungmin." He says sitting down. He scans the room. He stops when his eyes see a familiar person sitting right across from him. at the table next to him was the dark haired boy. He was sitting next to Hyunjin, and he was texting someone. Felix started getting flustered. He was thankful CL started the lesson.

"Ok so you are going to have class time to plan out your projects today." She says. "But first, yesterday some people got no work done. Seungmin and Felix look at each other guiltily.

"So i have decided to move some seats. You will work with that person now. Ok Seungmin, can you switch with Changbin? And..." Felix stopped listening to her. The dark haired boy was sitting next to him. Although he was sad about losing Seungmin, he wanted to make this new friend. He studied the dark haired boy from head to toe.

"You need something?" The dark haired boy says, giving Felix a strange look.

"No, I'm sorry I was memorizing your face. Just a thing I do to remember people. I'm sorry. The names-"

"Felix. I think everyone knows your name." The dark haired boy says. Felix get shy. "I'm Changbin."

"Well I guess we should start working. They started working on their project. Felix expected Changbin to be as smart as he was. Felix was smart. He could do everything with ease, unless it was math. But Changbin was super smart. He knew exactly what to do. It made Felix embarrassed that Changbin knew what to do sometimes when he didn't.

"Ok Felix." Changbin says. "Sorry if this sounds rude, but you are smarter than i thought you would be."

"What do you mean?"

"Well..." Changbin looks down. "Everyone on the football team aren't really the sharpest tools in the shed. You are different." He smiles at Felix.

"Yeah. That's why I hate hanging out with them. I'd rather be with my friends. There I can show my true self, rather than be this popular football player." Felix huffs. "I'dreather not take all my time up with football, i'd rather be dancing or rapping, or doing something more creative. But this is t high school musical. This is the real world where I have to lint those activities to maintain my scholarship." Felix says.

"Wow. You have a lot more substance than I thought. Popular people are either too dumb to function, or assholes."

"Ugh. I hate thinking of myself as 'Popular'. It makes me sound like a rich guy who owns a convertible and who always has an airhead girl on his side. I'm a good person. I hate driving, I am so bad at it, and my girlfriend is smart and athletic. If anything, i'd rather not be 'popular'." Felix complains.

"Wow. Never thought people like you had such problems. Well if it's any consolation, It's better to be popular than like me. Popular kids like to destroy people like me. like I exist to be a crash test dummy to be thrown around. I am just happy you are not like that." Changbin gives a little smile.

"Felix and Changbin?" CL says to them.

"Yes ma'am?" Felix responds.

"If you have all this time to chat, how much work have you done?" Felix and Changbin show her their presentation.

"Wow, you two got three days of work done in one. You two work well together. i'm going to make these your permanent seats." She walks away, leaving the two to talk.

"It's almost time to leave!" Felix says. "Well time flies when you're having fun." He smiles at Changbin. Changbin looks at the ground, blushing slightly. The bell rings for the end of class. Felix says bye to Changbin and his teacher an skips over to Seungmin.

"Seungmin how's your project going?"Felix asks. "We got some work done. And then we stopped. And then I got his number." Seungmin squealed.

"Nice. Hyunjin is his name?" Felix asks

"Yeet and he's really cute and funny and aw." Seungmin says. "Anyway it's Math time."

"I've got English next with Chan and Woojin." Felix says "See you after class." Felix walks in and sits down at a table with Chan and Woojin.

"Settle down students!" Mrs Ahn says. "Now just to remind you, my name is Heeyeon, But if you want you can call me Hani." She says smiling. "Now today is just going to be a day for review before your test tomorrow. If you feel like you are okay, you don't have to practice." Chan and Felix high five as Woojin looks disappointed. The all start to get out their notes.

"Help meee!" Woojin wails. Chan calms him down and the two help him with his grammar. Then three all get a notification. Felix and Chan look down. Woojin continues to study.

The Dark Haired Boy // changlixWhere stories live. Discover now